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"Do you really love me?" The question that's been hammered into my mind. Bae and I sat out on the cold afternoon after school on the bleachers, it's just the two of us.

I laid my head on her shoulder as she she stared out into the distance. "Do you?" I repeated myself.

"Yea. I told you...I do."

"It doesn't feel like it. It feels like ever since I got with you I've seen a whole new side of you and I don't like it. "

"I've just been going through a lot of shit. I don't need you to keep reminding how different I've become." She said with a snappy tone.

"See this is also what I mean. Every time I try to ask about you, you get so defensive and makes ME feel like shit." I stood up getting ready to walk out.

"If you leave. I'll never talk to you again. Then you'll really be alone, you already lost two of your important friends do you really want to lose me too." She spoke out in a nonchalant tone.

"Why do you do this!?" I whined starting to cry a little.
"Stop trying to guilt me!!" I shrieked out loud.

Bae slowly stood up towards me looking annoyed with me.
"Don't cry you look beautiful." As if she was trying to tell me what I wanted to hear. She carefully caressed my cheek.

"I just don't feel loved. I WANT to feel loved...LOVE ME AND STOP BEING FOOLISH!!!" I Screamed. My true emotions starting to slowly rise out.

Looking back at myself I can't believe I stoop so low to the point I was begging to be loved. I can't blame Bae for becoming different when I also have. My self-esteem and whole personality changed for her. My common sense was no longer all the way in mind anymore.

Bae pulled me into a hug. It felt warm but meaninglessness. No longer feeling safe and comfort in that hug as I used to.

"No matter what I'll always stay the same for you at the end. There's no need to cry because you're not really losing me."
She spoke stern but kinda soft in my ear as she hugged tighter.

"I love you Bae."

"Back to you."

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