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Bae and I got suspended for 2 weeks. This was our last week of suspension and we go back to school on Monday which was good I guess since I could see my friends again but horrible because of Bae.

The principal was able to convince Bae's parents to not press charges since I busted her lip pretty bad.

But anyways at home, I sat in my bed scrolling through my phone.
Luckily I'm not grounded since my mother believed I fought in self-defense.

After a while I got bored scrolling on my phone and was ready to just take a nap and sleep all the stress away.
I kept getting a bunch of text messages, mainly from Lia trying to check in with me and Yeji trying to apologize.

I put my phone beside me and got out of the bed.

I headed downstairs to the living room in hopes of seeing my mom just so I can sit and watch TV with her but as I entered the room she was asleep. Heavy snoring, drooling, and her mouth wide open with a half bottle of liquor standing right next to her.

I sighed and walked up to her trying to find the remote.
After I lifted up her a leg bit, I finally found the remote and turned the tv off.

I fiddled with the remote a bit wondering what to do now.
My attention then went to the half drunken bottle of Alizè.

I pursed my lips a bit settling down the remote before snatching the bottle off the ground and taking a huge sip.
The sweet bitter taste immediately hitting my tastebuds and the back of my throat. But that's the reason why I liked to drink at times, because of that taste and feeling. I found it amusing and addicting of the aftermath of me being in a daze once I drunk up all the liquor. Me drinking the liquor was sadly the highlight of my week, but I didn't care that much.

I walked back upstairs, the bottle still in my hand taking sips here and there.

I made it to my room and picked back up my phone.
I started getting an incoming call from Jiwoo.

Jiwoo is my other friend. We knew each other since we were 4.
We went to the same preschool, elementary school, and middle school.
We were best friends and stuck to each other like glue and would do and talk about almost everything together until high school came along. Damn its always high school.

We vowed to each other that once high school had came we wouldn't break apart but that's when Lia and Yeji came in my life and I started paying more attention to them and same with Jiwoo with her own set of friends. Lily, Kyujin, and Sullyoon.

Us going to different high schools also didn't help.

We still talk every now and then but I would say we're not really best friends anymore nor close like we used to be.

"Hey Jay!" I answered the call. A little nickname I've had for Jiwoo since middle school.

"Heyyy! I know it's been a while but I saw that fight online from your school's Instagram page. I just wanted to know if you were ok."

I laughed a bit

"Hell yeah I'm fine I beat that bitch's ass." I laughed

But that laughter had some sadness to it.

"But...I just feel confused. Like I don't know what's going in her head, the way she moves around is like so fucking shady. Like I caught her flirting with Yeji and its like what the fuck!!! So I'm definitely not talking to Bae and I'm just hurt with Yeji.. I feel like I could kill the both of them right now."

"well if you ever need someone to help you bury the bodies just call me." Jiwoo joked on the other line.

I laughed harder than I should have. The alcohol finally getting to me.

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