The Snap

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Scott continued to hotwire the van when they heard Steve come over the radio again. 

"Hope. Carol and the others could really use your help." 

"Go, I'll be fine," Scott said, noting her hesitation.

She nodded and flew over to the group of women that were assembling. Carol was holding the gauntlet, and they had to help her get to the van where Scott was. Hope shrunk and flew behind enemy lines, blasting aliens and trying not to die. 

She and the others made progress and Carol was getting closer to the van that now had the back doors open. It powered up when Carol was just fifty yards away. 

Hope sighed in relief. The stones would be safe and out of the enemy's grasp. 

But Thanos saw what they were doing and threw a spear toward the quantum tunnel. The spear hit, and the van exploded. 

"No!" Hope yelled. "Scott? Do you read me? Scott!" She called through the radio. He wasn't responding. He might've still been in the van when it exploded... "Scott! Scott, please answer." She begged. 

"Hope." She heard Scott's voice behind her. She flipped up her helmet and turned to him. "Don't scare me like that!" She said, hitting his chest. "You know I can't promise that." He quoted and then hugged her. 

After a few seconds, they realized what was going on. The van had exploded, destroying their only time machine. Thanos now had the gauntlet, and Carol was trying to stop him. 

The shrinking duo made their way to the fight, ready to help if necessary. Thanos blew Carol back with the Power stone, temporarily incapacitating her. Seeing that he was getting ready to snap, Hope flew them over to stop him. 

They grew to full size, punching Thanos in the jaw in the process. Scott, not being the most experienced fighter in the world, was tossed to the side easily. Hope, however, continued to fight the titan. Unlike Scott, Hope was a seriously skilled fighter, even without the suit. 

But she was no match for The Mad Titan. 

He was becoming annoyed with her, so he took out the Power stone again and used it to throw her back. 

Carol was pushed back into a mound of dirt. Not to say she wasn't hurt, but she was enhanced with the power of the Tesseract. So she was dazed but relatively fine. Hope, on the other hand, was thrown full speed into a rock. 

"Hope!" Scott yelled after her.

He used all the fighting skills that Hope had taught him, but he was thrown back as well. He landed next to his fallen partner. He was about to run at Thanos again, but Hope pulled him back.

She grabbed his hand from her fallen position. "Scott, stop! Please! I don't want you to get hurt." She was scared for him. Thanos was extremely powerful, and he could kill Scott if he wanted to. 

He knelt down next to her. "I need to stop him." 

She was about to reply, but Thanos interrupted her with his monologue. "I thought you would have been grateful for what I've done. I wiped out half of the universe so that the remaining half would thrive. All of them had painless deaths. They dusted away, not feeling a thing. But after everything you have put me through, I think a slow painful death is required." He said. 

He was about to snap when Tony ran at him, clawing at the gauntlet. Thanos just brushed him off and smiled. 

"I am inevitable." And then he snapped.

                                                                          Author's Note 


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