chapter twenty-seven | 𝒘𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒖𝒑

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After Thomas had been able to kill a Griever in the maze, he, Minho and some other boys went back into the maze to investigate the corpse. They've found some kind of device with the incarvings 'W|C|K|D 8643821', a red lamp was blinking and the small display showed the number seven in red. The same letters were always carved into the supplies, it was the first clue after about three years. And even though none of the other Gladers nor you felt remembered by it, it allowed you to have hope once again.

A Gathering was held after the finding of that metal thing. Of course, like last time, you weren't allowed to attend it, so you waited once again in front of the door towards the council room. Tim watched you closely the whole time, as if you'd storm into the room at any moment, neither him nor you have apologized since the last time. He shot you glares now and then, but you didn't really care about it. Slowly you've been starting to stop worrying about the validation from others, you knew who you were and you knew who you could rely on.

Muffled talking came out of the council room. You recognized the voices of Newt, Thomas and once in a while also Gally, the other Keepers had kept quiet. As you started to grow tired of waiting, Gally bashed the door open with such force that you were surprised it didn't break. As he stormed away Frypan was following him, telling him to stop and 'get over himself', but the blonde boy didn't listen. You took that as a sign that the Gathering was over and walked past Tim, slowly opening the door towards the council room.

Everybody was quiet and as they turned towards you, you froze in place. Everyone had such a serious look on their faces. "What did I miss?" you asked carefully, "Thomas is a runner" announced Newt and you began to smile, looking first at Thomas and then at Minho who was nodding, signaling his consent. "Congratulations Tommy" you said, Thomas answered with a smile. Yet the atmosphere in the council room was rather heavy, everyone seemed to be deep in their thoughts and you looked towards Newt who signaled with his eyes towards the exit.

Outside, everyone went back towards their work. Thomas was talking to Minho and you walked towards Newt, who was already waiting for you. "What's wrong?" you questioned, referring to the Gathering. Newt let his fingers run through his hair "Thomas is a runner now, Gally did not really approve it. Furthermore Thomas needs to spend a night in the slammers and this thing the boys found in the maze might actually be important" he summarized for you. "But isn't that a good thing? A clue is something we've been waiting for for so long" you argued, crossing your arms in front of your chest, wondering why everyone seemed to be so worried about it.

"The carvings are the same as on our supplies. It seems like there is someone holding us in this maze and I'm convinced that they will not let us leave that easily" he explained to you and you bit your lower lip, he was right. Someone wanted all of you to be here and the Grievers proved that this someone would not hesitate to use violence in order to keep you here. "But... Why else are we here other than finding an exit?" you asked and Newt sighed "I wish I could tell you, love", he looked at you with worried eyes.

You put your hand on Newt's upper arm, the Second-in-command looked up and into your eyes, "Maybe it doesn't even matter, what matters is that we do the best for us. This device-thingy might be a clue and we'll follow it." you tried to cheer him up. "I don't know how you see the best in everyone and every situation, but please keep hold unto that" he voiced in a low voice and finally a small smile creeped onto his lips. "I learned from the best" you grinned and Newt chuckled. He wanted to protect this side of you so badly.

His heart was tearing apart in such situations. Whenever you sparked with all your light, it felt like tortue standing next to you and not holding you, he needed you to set him free. He looked at you for a second too long and just as he wanted to touch a strand of your hair, Winston came running towards you. Newt took a step away from you to not seem suspicious towards the Keeper of the Slicers. You swallowed hard before you turned to Winston who came to a halt in front of the two of you.

anemoia || a maze runner fanfiction (Newt x reader // Minho x reader)Where stories live. Discover now