Ending 1: 𝑵𝒆𝒘𝒕

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...Newt. He has been holding you in the lab the entire time. He had protected you and never completely left your side. Even after the incident with Minho, that didn't matter anymore. Nothing in the maze mattered anymore, because there are things that are just bigger than we are. You turned to look at him, he kept his gaze straight ahead, maybe he didn't know what to do or say, so you took matters into your own hands. Like you had always needed to do more. You took a deep breath and a few strands of hair fell into your eyes.

"Newt" you said his name in a quiet voice, trembling. First you were scared to talk to him, now you were scared that he wouldn't talk properly to you. However, the blonde boy also turned to look at you and you were met with the familiar, deep brown eyes, which reminded of pots of honey, if the sun shined at them from the right angle. As he finally looked into your eyes after such a long time, you were caught off guard and forgot how to breathe for the split of a second. You broke eye contact to catch yourself and licked over your lips before you looked back up at him.

"Newt," you started again, your voice was only a whisper. "I need to talk to you." you told him and he gave you a cracked smile "You do." he agreed and you felt like you needed to cry. A warmth spreaded in your whole body and you felt light headed. "It's about you..." you started, "and me.", "I am listening, love" he answered, as he called you love you felt goosebumps covering your body and your face turning red. However, he said it in such a stern voice, that you were unable to clearly interpret it.

"You were the first one I told you about me remembering, that was for a reason" Newt looked at you and his eyebrows raised a millimeter, but he continued to listen to you. "Because- Because that person I remembered, Newt" you took a deep breath "That person is you." you stated and Newt's eyes widened, however, he didn't say a word or showed another reaction, so you continued to explain.

"As I've told you, I had dreams about a person" you were unable to say his name in this sentence, "First, I didn't recognize you in my dreams, but then I knew it was you. I remembered that we had... a relationship... of some kind, before the maze. In my dreams, you always said that you would stay by my side and that you were with me, not only in my head, but also in the maze. Newt, I was never supposed to be in the maze. I don't remember what the creators originally planned to do with me, but it wasn't the Maze Trials. I really do not remember much, I don't know how I got into the maze, I only remember that I followed you. I followed you into the maze, because... because I-" you explained, but wouldn't dare to continue.

"Because of what?" he asked in a warm voice, he actually wanted to hear it from you. But under his intense look, you felt how all of your blood traveled into your head and as you tried to speak, you only let out a small whimper. "Because of what, Y/n?" He asked again, coming closer, so close that you could feel his warm breath on your collarbone, "Tell me" he demanded and you gulped.

"I followed you into the maze, because-" you started again, stopping midway, but this time you were able to catch yourself. You closed your eyes and opened them again. "I followed you into the maze because I loved you." you explained and something in his brown eyes twitched "because you loved me? and what about now?". You wanted to tell him that you were not sure, but that would have been a lie, a lie you've hid yourself behind for way too long. "because I loved you. And I still do" you added. For a second Newt showed no reaction, you were about to get scared that he didn't feel the same way.

But then he started to smile in the most heartwarming way you can imagine. You've never seen you smile like this. He did not even smile like this after your first kiss, but now he did and you let out a small breath. "I fell in love with you the day that I met you. I thought it was ridiculous, because I haven't known you for long, but now I know the reason. My mind may have been erased, but my heart remembered you. And no matter how often I may lose my memories, I will fall for you over and over again. You weren't dreaming alone, Y/n" Newt said and while he did so, he came closer with every word he spoke until, after the last sentence,

your lips met.

And a kiss had never felt so genuine, so longed for. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to sink into the kiss, this time, without any second thoughts, without any doubt. You knew what you wanted, you wanted nothing else but this. Every emotion you felt right now swept over you, mixing like the scent of flowers on a hot summer day and you started to cry. Newt broke the kiss, but kept his face close to yours, so that you could feel his warmth and breath. "Why are you crying?" he whispered.

"Because of everything" you answered and this time you kissed him. Everything felt so out of place, so wrong, except for this.

"I love you, Newt." you said after the two of you broke away from each other. Your voice was stern and certain. Everything you've known has been a lie and this was the only truth you have ever known.

"I love you too, Y/n. I always have and always will."

anemoia || a maze runner fanfiction (Newt x reader // Minho x reader)Where stories live. Discover now