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AFTER arriving at the campus, Renjun walked inside- late to class. He quietly and slowly entered his Criminal studies class.

Su-bin who noticed him walking, tried to get his attention. She was sitting at the back of the class and when Renjun saw her, he only looked away and sat a few seats below her.

She pouted in disappointment and continued studying. Renjun was happy that he wasn't noticed for being late and started opening his book.

He grabbed his pen and instead of writing, he started thinking about how to get both tasks down- finding Su-bin's dad and catching his supposed 'stalker'.

Trying to formulate a plan, he couldn't think of any way to find them. He was only specialised in hacking and mapping not making plans.

"Chenle would be great at this." He mumbled under his breath.

"... group work." The professor finished off.

Renjun looked up, now listening but the class stood up and started to leave. 'I missed what he said. Shit.'

Hastily packing up, Renjun for the first time was lost. He had no clue how to get information out of Su-bin and the new person on him was just pissing him off.

As he headed towards the exit of the door, Su-bin joined him.

"Do you want to be my partner?" She asked, with a bright smile.

"What?" Renjun muttered.

Su-bin looked at the board and then back at Renjun, confused at his response. 

"Were you not listening?" Su-bin asked.

Renjun shrugged his shoulders and opened the door with Su-bin following behind.

"We have to do a case study and recommend a solution- the research is within a group or pair," Su-bin explained.

Renjun nodded and tried to leave the school but was stopped by Su-bin's fans. They were asking her to hang out with them.

"I-i'm sorry but I can't today," Su-bin said to one of them.

"Go hang out," Renjun said with a sigh as he pushed through the crowd.

Su-bin confusingly looked at the boy, "But, I want to hang out with you."

As they reached the entrance of the campus, Renjun looked at the girl. He would be lying if he said that he didn't feel his heart skip a beat.

Her light golden-hued brown eyes that held concern for the boy made him lightly blush.

"No." He said harshly.

"Why?" She asked innocently.

"Because! I have work." Renjun said, annoyed.

He crossed his arms, his eyes averting from Su-bin's gaze. Gasping, the girl caught on to his flustered look.

"A-are you blushing?" She asked with slight excitement.

Renjun widened his eyes, "NO!"

Su-bin giggled, "Aww, you're adorable Renjunnie!"

Renjun's ears perked up at the new nickname. He was definitely not fond of this moment.

"I'm leaving." He muttered and walked off.

Su-bin pouted, "Okay." She lightly replied.

Even though she had crowds waiting for her, she felt empty inside. Well, until Min-seok appeared out of nowhere.

The boy was practically crying as he shook Su-bin.


Su-bin snapped out of her gloomy state and laughed at her friend's outburst.

"He is handsome." She said dreamily, thinking about him.

"Who?" Hee-young asked.

"AAHH!" Min-seok screamed, immediately distancing himself from Hee-young.

"Renjun," Su-bin answered, still in a daze.

Hee-young rolled her eyes and sipped her drink. "I'm bored." She uttered.

"Wanna hang out with us?" Bora chimed in.

Min-seok flinched at the new voice, "Where are you all coming from?! And why?!"

"Why not? Plus, we're going shopping- us rich gals should stick together." One of Bora's friends said.

Su-bin sighed but agreed, she didn't want to be reminded of rich people but here she was- talking to a bunch of rich people.

Su-bin sighed but agreed, she didn't want to be reminded of rich people but here she was- talking to a bunch of rich people

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just noticed that this might kinda be a slow-burn book.

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