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"IF he's in Euphorea then, I'll have to check it out... how big is the place?" Renjun mumbled to himself.

He looked at the map laid out in front of him and sighed with slight concern. He started to search the households in the village and circled the houses that were occupied by a single man.

His search was narrowed down to eight houses and with that in mind, he started to look at his weapons. Renjun immediately thought a gun wouldn't do so, he needed to acquire a sniper.

"I have to tell them eventually," Renjun muttered, looking at his phone.

As he searched thoroughly about the protection of the village, his wrist started to burn. The sensation ached his whole hand to the point he couldn't type on his laptop.

"Fuck." He whispered as he looked at his right hand.

"We healed yesterday though?" He thought out loud and tried to soothe the pain.

It was as if his hand was reacting to the huge betrayal towards his soulmate. Renjun couldn't care less as he awkwardly typed with his left hand.

Even though he felt like he was slightly dying, he continued planning his assassination until there was a knock on his door. 

"Renjuuun!" Jingyi wined.

The boy sighed, "What?"

"You have a visitor," Jingyi said.

Renjun raised an eyebrow with confusion. He folded the map up and opened his door, walking to the apartment door. 

He slowly opened the door, a gun hidden under his shirt and as he saw the person he widened his eyes in shock. The boy widely smiled at Renjun and enveloped him in a warm hug.

"Renjunnie! It's so good to see you!" Jaemin exclaimed.

Breaking the hug, Renjun smiled letting the boy inside his apartment. He slid his gun back under his shirt.

"Why are you so surprised to see me?" Jaemin questioned.

Renjun looked at Jaemin momentarily and shook his head, "Surprised? I'm not surprised."

Jaemin shrugged it off and saw Jingyi carefully eyeing him- not familiar with who he was. He gave his signature bright smile to which the girl gave a small smile.

Walking away, Jaemin entered Renjun's room which made the boy frantic. He looked around the dark room, not being surprised at the small amount of light but then his eyes fell on the papers on the table.

"You... found him?" He mumbled, looking at the messy desk.

Renjun hastily walked up to his desk and sighed, "I was going to tell you guys after I was sure about it."

Jaemin looked at Renjun, "I knew you would find his location."

"Thanks... I'm just planning on how to find and kill him." Renjun said, rubbing the nape of his neck.

Jaemin looked at the inked name on Renjun's wrist as it returned back to the boy's side. Widening his eyes with surprise, Jaemin looked at the name and then back at the notes Renjun had written.

"You're soulmate is the daughter?!" He exclaimed.

"Shh!" Renjun whispered-shouted, looking at his closed door.

Jaemin's eyes widened and his mouth agape- his jaw was practically falling. Renjun sighed looking at his wrist.

The room was filled with silence as Jaemin's mind tried to comprehend the situation.

"Renjun... are you human?" He asked, looking at the boy.

Renjun looked up at Jaemin confused, "Yes... why?"

"I mean, how are you okay with killing your soulmate's dad?" Jaemin whispered.

"Jaemin... I need to do this." Renjun said.

"I know this is your mission but, don't you care about her at all? She's going to lose her dad and not know who the killer is." Jaemin said, looking at him seriously.

Renjun's eyebrows furrowed with annoyance, "Jaemin, if you're going to be like this then go. We're in this field for a reason."

Jaemin sighed, "Look, I understand that we kill people and have no regrets about it but this is your soulmate! Hell, Chenle hated Hwayoung so much but he didn't kill her."

"But I'm not killing Su-bin." Renjun retorted.

"You're not getting my point Renjun. You're going to hurt her a lot and you're going to get hurt too." Jaemin said, looking at him with concern.

Renjun clenched his jaw, leaning against his table, "I have no choice. Boss said that I could come back if I succeed."

"Shit," Jaemin muttered.

Silence fell upon them once again as they thought about the situation. Renjun ran his hand through his hair in frustration as his solution fell to the only choice- killing Hyeon-U.

As silence surrounded them, a notification on Renjun's phone alerted him. Picking up his phone, he looked at the notification and his face unknowingly brightened up.

Target's daughter
Renjun, are you free right now? Bc, I found a great place to paint!

A light chuckle left his lips with solemn swimming in his eyes. He could feel his heart beating against his chest and the new aching pain that grew on his right wrist.

"Oh my god." He irritatingly said, holding his wrist.

Jaemin's eyes perked up with worry at the boy, "What's wrong?"

"It's my wrist," Renjun answered.

Looking at the inked wrist, Jaemin sighed as he glanced at Renjun.

"You like her. Don't deny it."


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