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"RENJUNNIE! Over here!" Su-bin exclaimed, waving at the boy.

Renjun didn't know why but, he had arrived at the campus twenty minutes before his class started and it was because of Su-bin's request.

"You should come and hang out with me and my friends!" Su-bin had said.

Why did the boy comply even though he didn't want to be involved with her? For his mission of course.

It was definitely not because he felt like he actually wanted to hang out with her. So, Renjun hesitantly walked over to the table in the middle of the cafe.

The group was big- Hee-young, Young-ja, Min-suk, Su-bin and Min-seok were all in their own conversations. When he approached the group, Su-bin smiled and tugged on Min-seok's sleeve.

Min-seok was sitting next to Su-bin, playing on his phone but the girl wanted him to move.

"Move," Su-bin said with a smile.

Min-seok rolled his eyes, "Do I really have to move, though?"

Su-bin scoffed at the boy's moodiness, "Okay look, I know that it's hard for you to cope with the fact Renjun stole your popularity but, that doesn't mean that you should restrict him from sitting next to me."

"He literally has no charms!" Min-seok retorted and stood up from his seat.

 Renjun rolled his eyes, unfazed at the comment and watched the boy closely- identifying him. 'He's the one who talked to the girl at our shop.'

 As he sat down he sighed exasperatedly as he looked at everyone just doing their own thing. He thought about his friends and how they used to hang out missing their jokes and friendly fights.

"What's the point of hanging out if you're not even talking to each other?" Renjun asked.

Su-bin glanced at the boy, "Well, it depends on everyone. Today, no one has anything to say so, we just sit in silence."

"I can get a conversation running," Min-seok suggested.

Renjun and Su-bin both looked at him with slight curiosity. Min-seok sighed and then said, "I'm way more handsome than you."

Su-bin dramatically gasped. She crossed her arms and looked at Min-seok in disappointment.

"Renjun is way more handsome than you!" She exclaimed.

The boy gasped in return, "What?! Oh- is it because he's your soulmate? That's why you can't side with me?"

"Oh stop being dramatic!" Su-bin said.

"Dramatic?! Me? You're the dramatic one!" Min-seok argued, pointing at her.

"Stop sulking Min-seok." Hee-young interrupted.

"Shut up Hee-young." Min-seok spat back.

"Why are you hung up on being handsome?" Another voice chimed in.

Renjun- who was annoyed at the mess just sighed. He thought he could ask Su-bin a few questions about her dad but, of course, it was a difficult task.

"You! What are you doing here?" Min-seok questioned, pointing at Bora.

Bora grinned, "I'm here to see Su-bin, my best friend."

"Okay firstly, Su-bin is my best friend and secondly, have you never heard about me? How I could I- Kim Min-seok be in second place?" Min-seok asked sassily.

"I don't know- why don't you tell me?" Bora snapped back.

Min-seok stood up from his seat, his eyes burning into the girl's eyes. It was a heated stare-down that made Su-bin nervously chuckle.

"G-guys! Come on, this isn't something we should fight over." She said.

Bora looked over at Su-bin and nodded, "You're so right Su-binnie! Why don't we go out after class?"

Renjun glared at the girl. 'I should've just threatened her when I first saw her' he thought begrudgingly about Su-bin.

Su-bin's eyes sparkled, "I would love to!"

Renjun whipped his head towards his soulmate, "Seriously?!" He muttered.

Out of nowhere, Renjun held Su-bin's hand and raised it to show Bora. "Actually, we're going on a date afterwards."

Su-bin's eyes widened in surprise, "We-we are?" 

Her body heated up as Renjun nodded his head casually, "Y-yeah."

"Well, I guess I'll be the third wheel," Bora said.

Renjun scoffed, "You're joking."

"No, I'm not. I want to hang out with Su-bin." Bora stubbornly said.

"Well, I guess I'm tagging along too," Min-seok said with a shrug.

"Well, I guess I'm tagging along too," Min-seok said with a shrug

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