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SU-BIN woke up and to her surprise, tears cascaded down her face. She pouted as sorrow consumed her.

Wiping her tears, she sniffled at the dream she had. Su-bin hated reliving the memory of her mum leaving.

She placed her hand over her chest, feeling her fast heartbeat but she was interrupted as a feline jumped onto her bed. Su-bin's face brightened a little at her cat and ruffled her fur.

"Morning Oreo. Don't worry, when I move out I'll get you a better bed." Su-bin said, petting Oreo.

Sighing, Su-bin got out of her bed and started her daily routine once again. She cleaned up the house and then started to cook breakfast.

As she plated everything, another maid walked into the dining room and tapped Su-bin's shoulder. Looking at the maid, Su-bin glanced at the package that she was handed.

Wiping her hands on her apron, Su-bin picked up the package from the maid. Su-bin looked at her name written on the wrapped package and gasped, knowing it was her dad.

She placed the package in her room and after she quickly cleaned the kitchen, she retreated back to her room. Taking her apron off, Su-bin eyed the package thinking about what could be inside.

Holding it in her hands, she was confused at the occasion. She looked at her phone and saw no notifications from Hyeon-U but then, she realised the date.

Sunday, 24th April

It was her birthday. The girl widely smiled, realizing it was her present and opened up the gift. She found a blue-checkered cardigan along with a pearl necklace and a few butterfly clips.

Picking up the card, she read the message that Hyeon-U wrote.

Happy Birthday snowflake!

You're 20 years old now and I'm so proud and happy for you. I know the clips are childish but, I never got to buy them for you on your 10th Birthday. I hope you have a great birthday!

Love, Dad.

Su-bin brightly smiled at the card, a stray tear sliding on her cheek. The clips made her lightly giggle and her smile didn't fade away for a second.

Her fingers brushed against the ink engraved on the card, her eyes looking at the words in adoration. She placed the card on her study desk and then pick up Oreo, hugging her.

"You should meet my dad. He would take care of you very well... if he wasn't so busy." Su-bin said, brushing the cat's fur with her hand.

"It must be so hard- not being able to be with people you love." She muttered, deep in thought.

As she laid down on her bed, thinking about the dangerous cases that her dad always takes- her phone started to ring. She looked at the caller ID and brightly smiled.

"Helloooo?" Su-bin called out.

"Wow, you sound so obnoxious but Happy Birthday," Min-seok said unenthusiastically.

"For someone saying happy birthday, you sound so bored," Su-bin said.

"It's only twelve pm and I just woke up. You're the psycho for waking up so early." Min-seok answered, breaking out a yawn mid-sentence.

Su-bin dramatically scoffed, "You're the psycho."

"Anyways, I threatened Hee-young to give you a cake and no further work today. Who knows how much cleaning you did today. Go celebrate your birthday. Also, Bora is coming over." Min-seok said.

"Okay- go back to sleep now." Su-bin and hung up the phone.

As if on cue, Bora's boisterous voice echoed through the apartment. Su-bin immediately opened her door and looked at the girl.

"AHHH- HAPPY BIRTHDAY SU-BIN!!" Bora shouted, tightly hugging the girl.

"Shut up, you're so fucking loud," Hee-young said.

Bora pouted but walked inside Su-bin's room and squealed at Oreo.  "SHE'S. SO. CUTE!"

Su-bin giggled as she closed the door and sat on her bed. She looked at the bag Bora had and then she saw the cake that Min-seok talked about in Hee-young's hands.

THROWING more punches at his punching bag, Renjun heavily breathed as he trained. As he watched his fists land on the bag, again and again, he missed a punch as a vision clouded his eyesight.

He saw a cake and presents in front of Su-bin and as the vision faded, he made a note that it was her birthday. Of course, he tried not to care about her- giving no space in his mind about her. 

As he punched continuously, burning his arms he stopped abruptly as he thought about the red letter on her wrist. 'What does it mean?'

Knowing that Su-bin would have knowledge about it, he rolled his eyes with frustration and then packed up. He walked towards the store and then outside.

But as soon as he stepped outside, he saw a group merge from the shadows.

But as soon as he stepped outside, he saw a group merge from the shadows

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i finally updated 😫

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