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SU-BIN sighed as she looked at the new sticky notes that she plastered on her blank wall. It was just beside her study desk and it looked like a mini stringed board that detectives use.

The girl had spent most of her night researching the con artist group and how it was connected to Renjun. She ruffled her hair in frustration as she looked at another dead end of information.

Sitting on her bed, Su-bin groaned, "Where are they?"

As her thoughts spiralled in her mind as she laid down on her bed, she heard a knock at her door. Sitting up she looked at the door open and reveal Hee-young.

"Hey, you ready for class?" Hee-young asked.

Su-bin widened her eyes in shock- she had forgotten about her classes.

"I still have to change! Oh my god, I'll be right there Hee-young!" She exclaimed.

SIGHING, Renjun kept staring at his phone looking at the time. He was sitting at Su-bin's spot in the campus cafe waiting for her.








He groaned in annoyance at the slow time and habitually played with his ear piercings. Renjun was also still unsure about how to approach Hyeon-U.

How to sneakily get to him, how to kill him swiftly. He had no idea. Renjun also hadn't told anyone about knowing Hyeon-U's location which he knew he would get into trouble for.


Impatiently, Renjun drank the drink that he had ordered trying to calm down. 

'Why am I even waiting for her?' He thought.

Yes, they had a class together but he never waited for her. So, the way his heartbeat was erratic because of her made him annoyed.


"Isn't that Renjun?" Someone whispered.

"Yeah, we better stay away from him."

The boy could feel his muscles tense in anxiousness. 

'Do they know?'

'No, how could they possibly think I'm in a mafia?'

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