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DROPLETS of bright red blood fell onto a pool of blood. A body was laid down on a study desk with books and papers scattered around. 

A knife stuck out from the back of the person's head.

"STOP HIM!" A voice echoed.

The person lying on the desk was a man who had his eyes wide open. The whole room was dark and the atmosphere was filled with fear as the floor of the room was shown.

Bodies were littered, blood cascading over the floor. 

"You should've listened to me." A familiar voice echoed.

Su-bin gasped out as she woke up breathing heavily. Her heart throbbed in her chest and as she looked down at her hands, she saw her hands shaking.

She was beyond frightened, "Who... what...?"

The girl couldn't string a single sentence and before she could process anything, tears fell down her cheeks. She didn't know why she was crying but she was. Wiping her tears, Su-bin thought of Renjun.

"I hope he is okay." She mumbled.

PLAYING with his sliver lip ring, Renjun exasperatedly sighed. He got out of his bed and ran his fingers through his hair.

He was sweating immensely as he tried to calm his rapid heartbeat. Renjun tried to stop the words that were echoing through his head.

The words that had come from his own mouth.

"You should've listened to me."

It repeated over and over again- it was one of the many missions he had performed but it dawned upon him. The scenes of him killing people loomed over him like a shadow and the way he spoke venomously only made him regret it.

Renjun looked over at his phone and as he saw the time he sighed. '1:45 am'

Not being able to go back to sleep, he slipped his phone, wallet and keys into his pocket and quietly left the house. He walked on the sidewalk of the streets, the light breeze cooling his body.

He looked around at the empty streets and sighed with contentment at the emptiness. The scarring memories temporarily faded as he thought about his surroudnings.

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liked by min_min<3, aaahhh1, ur_bo0! , o-0wooo, user99

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liked by min_min<3, aaahhh1, ur_bo0! , o-0wooo, user99



you're so beautiful!

I love you!

absolutely breathtaking!!

SU-BIN sighed as she looked at the different clothes on display. Her mind was plagued by stress once again and she walked around aimlessly drinking her bubble tea.

"Are you done?" Hee-young asked, staring at the dazed girl.

"Wait... I thought you were still shopping." Su-bin said questioningly.

Hee-young sighed and shook her head, "Su-bin... I paid for my clothes twenty minutes ago."

The girl gasped, "Have I been acting weird for THAT long?"

"Yeah..." Hee-young muttered and Su-bin dramatically cried out as she looked around the store.

"Come on, let's go home," Hee-young said and dragged the girl.

As they walked out of the store Su-bin pouted as she thought about Renjun.

"Sis... I can't stop thinking about him. I wonder if he's okay or not?" Su-bin said as she looked at her engraved wrist.

"Then talk to him," Hee-young said.

Su-bin shook her head, "I should give him space, I don't know if it's traumatic... oh, but he must be scared."

Hee-young rolled her eyes as she heard the girl contemplate whether to visit her soulmate or not.

"Just see him!" Hee-young said.

As they approached the car park, Su-bin hummed in thought.


"Message him!" Hee-young exclaimed as they entered her car that was waiting for them.

"Okay," Su-bin mumbled.

hey renjun, are you okay?


I had a frightening vision and wanted to make sure you were okay

RENJUN unconsciously smiled at the girl's worry. His heart rate started to increase as he typed away. 

I'm fine, how are you? Do you want to meet up?

Re-reading his message before sending it, Renjun stopped and closed his eyes in annoyance.

"What the heck am I doing?" He muttered and deleted his message.

"Focus Renjun... focus." He said however his mind wandered back to Su-bin.

The image of her was plastered in his brain- her angelic smile warming his heart. He groaned in frustration as his face reddened.

Whatever. I'm okay.

Target's daughter
Can we meet up?

Renjun's eyes widened at the message- it was like she had read his mind. He did want to meet her but, he didn't know if he should.

let's meet up tomorrow.

renjunlet's meet up tomorrow

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