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RENJUN remembered what he had said to her and regretting it would be an understatement. He wished he never even thought about it.

"You're so annoying." He mumbled and watched the ripples in the water.

Su-bin pouted, "But, you have to admit. My line was way better than Min-seok's!"

"Do you always compete with him?" Renjun asked.

"Of course! I never back down from being the better one out of our duo. He thinks that flirting with girls is the only way to look charming which is wrong." Su-bin said, sounding annoyed.

Renjun sighed in disappointment, "So... everything was fake?"

Su-bin gasped dramatically as she looked at Renjun, "Jun, I never fake my feelings! My heart is literally beating just for you!"

"Shut up." Renjun snapped, feeling flustered again.

The girl fake cried, placing her hand on top of the left side of her chest.

"Why do you always reject my love for you?" She said with a sad expression.

"Wow, now you're just being dramatic," Renjun mumbled, crossing his arms.

Su-bin lightly giggled, "Jokes aside. I do like you."

AS the cold wind surrounded the quiet streets, Renjun stood in front of the open store. He looked at the sign and then back at his phone.

SWEET LOTUS | opened: 2017

Location: Gold St, Lower Kultur

A massage business

> owned by; Lee Choyeon

Renjun sighed as he remembered the vision he saw when Su-bin was in lower Kultur. When the girl was facing the woman, Renjun caught a glimpse of Sunghoon exiting the store.

The store 'Sweet Lotus'. Walking up to the store, he looked through the glass door and found two people inside.

"Sungchan, have backup ready just in case," Renjun said through his earpiece.

"Backup is on standby," Sungchan said.

Renjun then proceeded inside the store and looked around. It was your typical massage store with massage chairs and calm music playing in the background.

Looking at the counter, Renjun glanced at the boy who was sitting on a stool in the corner of the room. The boy lifted up his head and widened his eyes in surprise.

"You!" He exclaimed.

Renjun menacingly smirked, "Jake. It's nice to meet you."

His voice oozed with intimidation and his eyes burned into Jake's skull.

"W-what ar-are-"

"Who are you?" A woman asked.

Renjun looked at the woman behind the service counter and gave a small smile.

"I don't want to be a bother so, I'll cut to the chase. I'm Renjun, from NCT." He said.

Choyeon raised an eyebrow with curiosity, "NCT?"

Renjun nodded his head and swiftly put Choyeon at gunpoint.

"Tell me. Why are you following me?" He asked vehemently.

"You guys are a big group- we should do business," Choyeon said with a smirk.

For a moment, her smile reminded him of someone but he glared at the woman.

"Unlike you stupid con artists. We're a mafia." He said.

"An m-mafia?!" Jake exclaimed in shock.

"Well, more money for us I guess," Choyeon said condescendingly.

Renjun scoffed and then shot Jake's arm, anger fuming from him. 

"This is a warning Choyeon," Renjun said threateningly.

"B-boss! I-I'M BLEEDING!" Jake cried out.

Renjun walked away, opened the door and then looked at Jake.

"If you tell anyone about this, your head will be next." Renjun seethed out with narrow eyes.

As he walked out of the store, Renjun held onto his wrist. He exhaled an exasperated sigh and pushed his jacket sleeve up.

He looked at the engraved letters and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at the new colour. The first letter (S), was red.

FINISHING vacuuming the house, Su-bin huffed a fatigued sigh and placed the vacuum back. She walked into her room, took her hair out of her tight bun and laid down on her bed.

Stretching her arms, Su-bin glanced at the red letter on her wrist. The 'R' was red which made her gasp in surprise.

The girl knew very little about why it was happening but, she remembered what it could potentially mean.

"Mum, why is dad's name red on your wrist?" The little girl asked.

The woman stopped eating her breakfast and looked at Hyeon-U. 

"It's because I hate your dad." She said, staring straight into Hyeon-U's eyes.

Su-bin confusingly looked at her dad and pouted as sadness lingered in her.

"W-what do you mean?" Su-bin asked.

"It's nothing, snowflake. By the way, look what I got you!" Hyeon-U exclaimed.

Su-bin looked at the uniform and smiled widely, "I'm going to go to school?!"

After the argument about Choyeon wanting to be rich, Su-bin held onto her mother's hand. As tears fell down, Su-bin looked at Choyeon's wrist.

There was nothing.

Hyeon-U's name was gone.

there were too many time-skips but

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there were too many time-skips but

there's something new now 👀

also, i kinda put foreshadowing in this chapter.

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