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"WOW, there's very little gossip today," Min-seok said happily.

Bora nodded, "I might've been the reason behind it."

Min-seok scoffed, "Yeah right. You can't even make tea, how can you influence- OW!"

"Shut up idiot! You're worse at cooking than me!" Bora exclaimed, grabbing a fistful of Min-seok's shirt.



"YOU DON'T ACT LIKE A GIRLFRIEND! YOU'RE AN ABUSER!" Min-seok dramatically shouted.

"Wow, God really said- 'let's put two aggressive people as soulmates.'" Su-bin muttered.

"Yeah, not a good idea." Hee-young mumbled.

They were in the university cafeteria again- watching the couple fight as always.

"How do they go on dates?" Su-bin questioned, popping popcorn in her mouth.

"Bold of you to assume that they go on dates." Hee-young retorted, a little mischievous smirk on her face.

Su-bin giggled at her comment and shook her head, "I'm going to pass out from just watching them."

"And he tells me to be a better boyfriend." Renjun scoffed, glaring at Min-seok.



"OKAY FINE! I LOVE YOU MY AMAZING BORA." He shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I-Idiot." Bora pushed him away and sat down next to Su-bin. 

"I want to change soulmates," Min-seok muttered.

Bora glared at the boy and as she went to punch him again, Su-bin held the girl's arm. "O-oh Bora! Do you want to try this matcha drink?"

As they all sat down, Su-bin was going to say something until Young-ja and Min-suk walked to the table. Sitting down, Min-suk hung her new mini bag over her chair wanting to flex it but, it fell down.

All the contents from her bag fell out and as she picked the bag up, Young-ja and Hee-young helped her. Renjun sighed, waiting for the meeting to end but then his eyes caught onto a silver item near Min-suk.

Not believing what he was seeing, he watched Min-suk's hand quickly pick up the bracelet and place it in her bag.

"Umm- so you know how our holidays are starting tomorrow? Well, I'm going to be visiting my dad in Neo and I thought that we could all go on a little trip." Su-bin said.

"Neo is so beautiful! I'm in!" Bora said.

"Sure," Min-seok said.

"I'm not busy so yeah- I'll go." Hee-young said.

Su-bin smiled widely and then looked at Renjun, anticipating his answer.

'This is perfect.' Renjun thought. He nodded as a reply and Su-bin squealed with happiness.

She engulfed her boyfriend in a hug and Renjun immediately blushed.

"Okay! Let's all meet tomorrow in front of mine and Hee-young's place at six am." Su-bin said.

"SIX AM?! THAT'S TOO EARLY!" Min-seok exclaimed.

"It takes six hours to get there, idiot," Bora said.

"Still early." Min-seok retorted.

"MR Song's papers always need to be thoroughly checked before he goes to work so, it's best to check them at six p.m- after he's done working and at five a.m- before he goes to work. I recommend waking up at five a.m. because Mrs Song always wants her breakfast at six-thirty a.m. She likes to eat anything but seafood, her stomach doesn't do well with seafood." 

Stopping for a moment, Su-bin then continued. "Umm- what's next? Oh! Make sure to clean up the place before three p.m and make tea at four-fifteen p.m for Mr and Mrs Song. For Hee- I mean, Ms Song... make sure she follows the diets that Mrs Songs wants and schedule Ms Song's appointments the week before. Don't worry I've got this week and next week covered. Do not worry about the upper two levels, your work is mostly on this floor. You also make lunches for Ms Song and never use leftovers for any of them."

Glance at girl, Su-bin went on "Every meal must be fresh. And! The very last thing and the most important thing is, make sure you always organise Mrs Song's schedule every day! Also, buy groceries every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday." 

Su-bin looked at the new girl and smiled, hoping she understood everything she said. The girl intently wrote down everything, nodding at every detail.

"Thank you for coming earlier. I didn't know I would be leaving early." Su-bin said.

The girl shook her head, "It's alright! I'm blessed to even be in their house. Hearing about all the idols they debuted, just makes me so excited."

"They are very smart," Su-bin said with a bright smile.

The girl nodded and then pouted, "But, you must've struggled a lot. How did you remember all of this?"

Su-bin lightly laughed, "Practice. I guess."

The girl nodded and as she saw Hee-young, she bowed. Hee-young waved to the girl.

"Uh, excuse me for a second. I want to talk to Su-bin." She said.

The girl understood and walked away.

"I didn't know you were leaving. When are you going?" Hee-young asked.

"After our trip. I don't want to leech off of you forever." Su-bin answered.

" Su-bin answered

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