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As Renjun walked back to the waiting hall in front of an emergency room, Su-bin looked at her friends.

"You guys should go back to the hotel." She said.

"What? And leave you here? No." Min-seok said.

"Renjun is with me." Su-bin said.

Bora sighed and nodded, "I see... but, if you ever need anything- call me straight away."

Reluctantly, the three of them walked away. Su-bin then looked at Renjun and the boy knew something was off.

He saw Su-bin's eyes. The eyes that held adoration were no longer loving but distant.

Renjun's eyes averted to Su-bin's phone that she held in front of him and Renjun immediately covered up the phone.

Su-bin wryly chuckled, placing her phone back into her pocket. 

"I knew something didn't add up." She muttered.

Renjun sighed, "Look-"

"Did you shoot my dad?" Su-bin asked sternly.

Silence followed after her question and Renjun averted his gaze away from her. The atmosphere became tense and Su-bin's eyes welled with tears.

"Is that why you were in Raun? For my dad?" Su-bin asked.

Before Renjun could answer, Su-bin continued her questions.

"Is that why you were interested in my dad? Because you couldn't find him and so... to find him- you used me? Do I mean nothing to you?" 

Renjun clenched his jaw in anger- angry at himself. He tried to say something but, she was right. 

"You shot my dad... because of a small case? A case that you could've easily bribed the officers to bury? You could've just scared him! Not shoot him. You could have made up something to stop the case. You could have hacked the system but, no. You. shot. him." Su-bin said furiously.

"Su-bin, I only did what I was told to do- this isn't some personal thing I have against your dad," Renjun said.

"Was this your secret? That you're in a mafia?" Su-bin whispered.

Renjun's muscles stiffened, "This is why I keep it a secret."

Su-bin furrowed her eyebrows, "Listen, I'm not arguing with you because I think being in the mafia is so terrible. It's bad but, you're not bad. I'm mad because you tried to kill my dad."

Renjun tried to speak again but Su-bin stopped him.

"I'm also mad at you because you used me. Every moment- was just to get close to my dad, not me. You probably thought that us being soulmates was convenient." 

Before Renjun could say anything, someone else chimed in.

"AND we should go to the third floor! " A tall man exclaimed, a smile on his face.

He laughed nervously and waved at the people who passed by Su-bin and Renjun. Patting Renjun's back, the man forced a smile toward another passerby.

"You're lucky I'm here or you would've been dead." He whispered into Renjun's ear.

"Johnny hyung? I thought you were-"

"I quickly changed back because I had to go back to the HQ but then... I heard overheard a few things from your conversation with your... soulmate." Johnny said.

Johnny then looked at Su-bin giving her a small smile, "Hi. I'm very sorry about your dad, I hope he gets better. I'm Johnny by the way- Renjun's... co-worker."

"Hi," Su-bin muttered.

"Um, I'm sorry to say this but- if you have any other questions to ask Renjun could you please ask them in a room? You know... so we keep our identity a secret." Johnny whispered.

Su-bin was angry- she was supposed to be very angry at everyone included in NCT but, her kind nature broke through. Even though she was upset, furious and heartbroken- she complied with Johnny's request and walked to a spare room with the two.

She was still worried about her dad- taking a few glances out the glass pane on the door.

"I'll give you guys some space," Johnny said and left the empty patient room.

"Do you even like me?" Su-bin asked, still looking out the door.

Renjun sighed, "Us liking each other... it happens because of our bond. Whatever I did- whatever we did is because of our bond."

Su-bin airily laughed, "Really? Because I'm pretty sure I liked you ever since I saw you. I don't like someone because of just our soulmate bond."

"How do you know that for sure though?" Renjun retorted.

"Because I was actually interested in you," Su-bin answered.

Renjun scrunched up his fist and sighed. "Was?"

Su-bin rolled her eyes, "Well, I know you don't like me- just from seeing the red letters on my wrist."

Renjun looked at his wrist and noticed that the letters 'S, U and B' were all red. Even if he didn't want to admit it, his heart ached at the sight.

"Do you know why they're red?" He asked.

"We're dying," Su-bin answered.

"We're dying," Su-bin answered

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