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GASPING, Su-bin ran towards her dad who stood in a small part of the street. She hugged him from behind and Hyeon-U heartily laughed, hugging his daughter back.

As they broke the hug, a bright wide smile adorned Su-bin's face.

"I missed you dad!" She exclaimed.

Hyeon-U smiled, "I missed you too, snowflake."

Walking towards his accommodation, Su-bin's face ached from the constant smiling. She couldn't stop widely smiling.

"Thank you for the gifts dad, I loved them." She said.

"I'm glad you liked them," Hyeon-U said, ruffling the girl's hair.

As they entered the house, Su-bin sat down on the high chair in front of the kitchen counter.

"This looks like a great house to live in. It's very fancy." Su-bin said.

The house was surrounded by mountainous terrain and the windows covered up half of the building's walls. 

"It's my friend's holiday house. I'm just borrowing it for a few days." Hyeon-U said, pouring out a glass of water for Su-bin.

"How's your case going? Is it nearly done?" Su-bin said.

Hyeon-U smiled and nodded, "I found out who the perpetrator was."

Su-bin's eyes sparkled with happiness, "That's great! Who is it?"

"NCT," Hyeon-U answered.

"Who's that? A gang- I'm guessing?" Su-bin asked.

Hyeon-U leaned against the kitchen bench, "Even more dangerous. They're a mafia group. They handle illegal tech that is advanced and has mostly stolen parts. I found out that they were marking their territory by trying to kill one of the kids at an open house auction."

"But?" Su-bin questioned, sensing that her dad felt something else about the case.

"But... it feels off. Something's missing as if, there's another group involved." Hyeon-U muttered.

As he started to conspire more theories about the case, Su-bin remembered her mum. She wanted to tell him about her being a con artist.

Trying to find the right moment to bring it up, Su-bin froze as a vision appeared. She saw herself and her dad.

She also saw a gun aimed at her dad.

"Dad..." Su-bin muttered, looking outside the clear windows but then her wrist started to cramp up.

SIGHING in anxiousness, Renjun hooked his finger onto the trigger of the sniper. He aimed his gun toward Hyeon-U and made sure he wasn't seen.

Renjun was hiding on the highest mountain not too far away from the house. As he tried to press the trigger, he stopped at every attempt.

His heartbeat accelerating and his head throbbing in pain. Trying to press the trigger his wrist started to burn and cramp up.

Clenching his jaw with anger, Renjun re-adjusted his arm and tried to press the trigger again. Finalising his aim, he took a deep breath in and out then, he closed his eyes.

"I can do it." He whispered.

Su-bin's suspicions that echoed through his earpiece faded out and he opened his eyes again- focused. As she talked about her mum, Renjun looked at Hyeon-U.

Then... BANG!

Su-bin widened her eyes as she looked at her dad. Seeing streams of blood spill out of his chest broke Su-bin's heart.

"DAD!" Su-bin screamed and ran to him.

She held him, covering the bullet wound and cried out.

"DAD! PLEASE- NO- DON- DON'T GO!" Su-bin cried out, choking on her cries.

Trying to stop the blood, she lifted her hand up and cried out more at the sight of the blood. She shook her head vigorously, not accepting the situation.

"S-Su-bin." Her dad said weakly.

"No. No. No. No. You're okay. You'll be okay!" Su-bin said between her cries.

As she tried to dial for an ambulance, Su-bin watched Hyeon-U's eyes close.


Before she could try to wake him up, a group of paramedics entered the house and assisted the man. Su-bin stepped back, tripping over herself and breathed heavily.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" One of the paramedics asked.

Su-bin nodded and followed the person into the van that her dad was in.

"SU-BIN! ARE YOU OKAY?! IS YOUR DAD OKAY?!" Min-seok exclaimed, running towards the girl.

Su-bin looked at Min-seok- she thought all her tears were gone but, more tears flowed down her face. Her eyebrows furrowed in sorrow and she held tightly onto her friend.

Su-bin cried out and stuttered over her words, "He was shot."

"WHAT? Oh, Su-bin... come here." Bora said with a frown, her arms open wide for a hug.

Su-bin hugged Bora and cried onto her shoulder.

Min-seok sighed, "When's Renjun when you need him? He should be comforting his girlfriend."

Just on time, Renjun appeared in front of them but- he had cuts all over his arms and face. Everyone became shocked at him and Su-bin widened her eyes in surprise.

Before saying any suspicion, Su-bin wanted Renjun to be in a healthy condition. She called out for a nurse for Renjun to be aided and slipped her phone out with her shaky hands.

"Su-bin, his cuts looked quite deep," Hee-young muttered.

Bora nodded, "Did he get into a fight or something?"

Su-bin shook her head, looking at her phone's screen and reading about a particular person listed in NCT.

Su-bin shook her head, looking at her phone's screen and reading about a particular person listed in NCT

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AAAHHH- I did it.

i published the betrayal 😭

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