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A young boy coughed as he sat up among the destruction of several buildings, small fires were alit all around him.

A male demon with green hair smiled menacingly as he spotted the boy.

"Pathetic."  He hissed under his breath as he darted over, his shadow falling over the boy.

"You're still alive.  You are a lucky one aren't you?"  He questioned.

"I mean, everyone else is pretty much done, you know?"  He smiled as the boy's face was one of terror and shock.

"The hashira was too weak, eh?  The blonde has been crushed under the rubble, so I think I will leave him to suffer.  I stabbed the boar right through the heart.  Pathetic you know?"

He asked as his eyes fixed on a little girl behind the boy.

"That thing sticking out of the box, she's family, right?  I can tell."

The boy's hands shook but he answered the demon's questions.

"Nezuko is, my little sister."

The demon cackled, as if he was insane, and maybe he was, "I knew it!  You haven't managed to protect your little sister at all!  You are a big brother,"  He spoke as he stroked the boy's head.

"You're supposed to protect her, you know?"  

He laughed again and there was a crunch as he broke two of the boy's fingers.

The boy shuddered and gasped from the pain as he leaned over.

"Eh, hey, how do you feel right now?  You're the sole miserable survivor, all on your own."

He started to slap the boy around as be gritted his teeth.

"You worm, you craven sloth, why were you even born?"

"Why were you even born?"

The demon's eyes widened for a moment as he remembered, something.

"Why were you even born?"

A crazed woman screamed as she beat the boy with her bare fists, his body shaking with each hit he took.

"Worthless, you are just WORTHLESS!"

The demon shook his head as his eyes were unfocused.

Were those my memories?

Was that, my past?

It doesn't matter, my past doesn't matter, my past is worthless, I'm a demon now, focus.

He turned back toward the boy, his features twisted.

"Why don't you move your pathetic, puny, busted human body, and lop off my head?"

What am I saying?

Do I actually want the boy to lop off my head?

What is wrong with me?

But he kept his smile on his face as he shook the boy's head.

"Go on, GO ON!"

To his surprise, the boy grabbed the box behind him and stumbled up, running away.

Then he laughed, rearing back his head as tears threatened to come out.

What is wrong with me?

"Thats pretty pathetic, eh?"

Then he took off, kicking the desperate boy into a nearly destroyed building.

"You're the most pathetic guy I've ever seen..."

No, that isn't true.

Snow was falling as a boy stumbled through the streets carrying his sister, burnt to a crisp, unable to do anything, unable to save himself, nor the one who he was supposed to protect.

Then the memory changed.

A house was burning before the boy's eyes.

And he was frozen in shock.

Then there was a crashing sound, and a woman, her skin nearly burned black, crashed out from the house with his sister.

He hadn't helped, he had only stood there in shock.

Maybe, he was the one who was pathetic, worthless.

He walked toward the boy, each step taken almost hesitatingly.

As if he knew, as if he felt, that he was walking toward death.

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