Twisted(Bonus Chapter)

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She could hear the screams of the people as she looked up at the fading light of day, shinning into her cold dark cell.

The people out there, wanted death, they wanted her death.

Why can none of these civilians understand?

She wondered, her graying hair falling over her eyes.

She didn't bother to brush it away.

But what was she hoping for?

Even my own son, doesn't understand.

Her arms curled over her knees as she buried her face in her kimono.

No one understood her.

Why she had decided to kill her former daughter-in-law.

When if given the situation, many of them would gladly make the same choice as she had.

Why couldn't anyone understand?

She wasn't evil, no, she was decisive, she was decisive enough to know what to do.

Yet her only flaw, had been that her son had caught on.

And once he had, her own son, the son she had given birth to after hours of labor, the son she had raised with care, the son she had held most important above all else, had sentenced her to death.

There was a clinking sound as the metal door of her cell was on locked and two guards walked in.

She didn't resist as they pulled her to her feet, her chains clanked as she walked toward twilight, and her impending death.


Her son stood before her wearing his wedding clothes, her eyes fixed upon his new bride, and she felt resentment in her heart, for the commoner, who was not extraordinary in any way, yet had managed to sway her son from the life he should have had.


Rage flared up in her as she rose from her seating position as she looked down at her useless daughter-in-law, who wasn't even above a servant.


She watched the retreating figure of the woman who had been her daughter-in-law, and she felt her lips curl in satisfaction.


"I will not remarry."  Her son snapped at her as he stood before her.

"What are you talking about?  My son, you must, you must marry a noble woman befitting of your status, and have a heir so that this family will not die out upon the deaths of you and I!"

"No.  You drove away the love of my life, and now you actually have the audacity to talk to me about remarriage?"


She lost it, as she screamed, her hand slapping him hard enough that his head turned.

But when he looked at her in the eye, she felt crippling dread shoot through herself.

"Mother, we will not speak of this again, if you do, I will not hesitate to fight back.  If you were not my mother, you would be dead more than ten times over from everything you have done."


"I'm leaving Japan, give up mother."

She sobbed on the ground as she watched the silhouette of her son grow smaller and smaller, until he was gone from her sight.


She watched the smoke rise in the distance, smiling as she sipped her tea. 

The mercenaries had done their job well.

Maybe now, her son could move on from that disgrace of a woman.


Soldiers barged into her home, seizing her even as she struggled against them, betrayal had ripped her heart into thousands of pieces when her son stood before her, reading out her crimes and her sentence, death.


It hadn't mattered to her son that she was his mother, it hadn't mattered at all.

All he had cared about was that woman, that b-.

Her eyes remained unmoving, impassive to the world around her as she was forced to kneel.

She didn't flinch when the crowd threw rocks, mud, and even rotten vegtables at her.

Only when her sentence was pronounced did she look up, her grey eyes scanned the crowd, but her son was not there.

What had she ever done?

Her care for him, for her family, had led to his betrayal, his willingness to send his own mother to the chopping board.


Why did she deserve this?

Why couldn't anyone see the sacrifices she had made for her family?

Why couldn't anyone realize all her actions were done out of love for her son.


Her eyes remained open as she took her last breath, and even as her head thumped to the ground.

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