• 1| His Order •

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~ Sivaangi's POV ~

Taking a bottle of sanitizing liquid from the bottom left cabinet in my bathroom, I grab a cloth and wipe my bloody knife clean. Since I had just come back from my last mission, the blood was still fresh, and was easier for me to clean the knife, unlike when the blood is dried I have to do a hell lot of scrubbing.

Once I made sure my knife was pristine clear, I put the things that I took out back where they were before closing the door of the bathroom to enter my room. Walking towards the closet, I open the special compartment and place my knife in there along with my other weapons.

It was only four am, my last mission took a while as I had to track down my target when an unexpected change happened in the plan, but in the end, I was able to finish him off without getting caught, just like my other missions. 

Feeling energized after such an active trip, I decided to take a morning jog and maybe sleep a little into the day if I feel tired afterward. Changing out of my all-black leather outfit that I normally wear for my missions, I pull on a pair of track pants and a sweatshirt.

I stash my phone into my pocket after I click play on my jogging playlist and put on my air pods. Locking the door of my room I walk out into the opening of a hallway and go downstairs. I lived in a really big building that looked run down from the outside, but modern inside. No mafia gang would want their location out in the open, would they? That's why the place where I live isn't renovated on the outside. Also, I'm not the only one who lives here, there are more than one hundred people here in this very building, hackers, killers, gang members, children, adults you name it. 

But there was one man here, ordering everyone.

Gunasekar, the man who gave me life. I've been told since I was a child that I had been found abandoned on a road and neglected by everyone who had gone by. Once Gunasekar and his gang found me they knew they had to take me in, and that's what they did. Gunasekar and his wife Kala brought me up like their own child, except teaching me the ways of an Assassin along the way.

Ever since I was a child I have been doing training, non-stop training, training that made me the person I am today. At that age, training to hold a knife and stab someone is a burden for a young child's mind, but it made me who I am today, didn't it? The 'cunning assassin' of the Mafia gangs and undergrounders. I feel proud to have earned such fear around me.

The running tracks behind my residence was empty this morning, just like how I'd thought it would be. People rarely come out for a run this early in the morning except me, they'd be better off sleeping. I wouldn't mind sleeping either, but I go for these runs for my mental peace. Even though I've gotten used to it, after a particularly brutal mission, my mind would be all over the place but these runs help me clear my mind.

I do six rounds around the track before stopping to catch my breath, it was getting really tiring, especially after a long night so I decide to head back to my room for a rest. After successfully returning to my room while not disturbing anyone else, I flop down on the bed whilst heaving a long tired sigh.

I look out my window that was right next to my bed, it was a one-way glass, meaning that only I could see through it from my room and not the other way around for safety issues. The sun was slowly rising, it was now more the halfway up above the horizon. There were little groups of birds out there, squawking happily amongst themselves. It seemed as though the whole little group was part of a family, it made me wonder what it would be like if I had my own little family, would my parents be loving? Would I have siblings? 

I don't know how long I was staring until sleep found its way to me unconsciously.


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