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~ Sivaangi's POV ~

I land on the ground softly when I swing myself over the railing. I throw the rope back down to use once I've finished the assignment and I need to escape. Balcony doors don't have locks right? Or do they? I walk to the door and try and gently try to pry it open, but it wouldn't budge.

Fuck, who created these stupid locks?

I take out a lock picker and run my hands over the door to find the lock hole. Once I did, I insert the lock picker and fiddled with it for a while until I hear a soft click. I bite my tongue, hoping that AK didn't hear it.

As gently as I could, I pull open the door. I take a step forward and wait, I couldn't hear anything around me, as if no one were in the room at all. I carefully shut the glass door and move inside silently.

I let my eyes adjust to the darkness for a few seconds before I make a move. Even in the darkness, I could see that the room was large, with a lot of vast area. Damn, this guy must be rich. I mean, I myself had a somewhat large room, but this was big. What does he do with all this space?

Suddenly a tingling sensation takes over my neck, I quickly duck down to retrieve the pocket knife I had hidden within my boot. Was someone here? Did they know I was here? To be on the safe side I keep my knife with me just in case inside my leather jacket's pocket.

I take two cautious steps forward once again. 

For some reason, I feel a slight shift in the room, was it just me being paranoid or was there really someone here?

My ears perk upwards when I hear light breathing in the room. No doubt about it, there really is someone here. Just as I was about to take my knife out an arm came out of no where taking me by surprise. 

The arm came and and secured itself around my middle before pulling me harshly, making my back hit against someone's chest. Startled, I draw in a quick breath. The person's grip was strong, and they had a large frame so from what I could tell, it was most likely a man who had caught me. 

It's AK.

I struggle for a bit but all he does is tighten his grip around me. With a sigh, I take a hold of the arm around my waist and twist it, he hisses before loosening his grip on me, I take this as a chance to escape and swivel out of his grip, in the process of doing so, I push him up against the window sill and corner him.

The moonlight that shines through the window illuminates his facial features, giving me a better look at his face. Damn, he's one attractive guy. What a shame I have to kill him. I push my arm against his throat as he stares at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

I glower right into his eyes before I draw my knife out of my pocket and flick it open. I hold the knife up close to his neck, almost drawing out blood from how close the knife was to his skin. The blade glimmered as I tilted it forward even more.

"Any last words?" I ask huskily, wondering why my voice sounded that way.

He stares in silence for a while before a smirk grows on his lips. I bite my tongue, wondering what's going through his mind, and that alone was enough for him to hook his leg around the back of my foot. And before I could react to what he just did, he grabbed my wrist and spun his body around while spinning me as well.

My eyes fluttered open to find myself in the position AK was just in. His lips were curved in a confident grin when I glanced at him, making me curse in my mind. I glared at him with a scowl on my face when he brought the knife towards my neck.

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