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~ No One's POV ~

A man sits in utter silence under his lightly dimmed bedroom with  his hands clasped together as he watches the petite woman in front of him unwaveringly. She was tied to a chair with ropes tightly bound to her wrists and legs. She sat limply with her head hanging lopsidedly, the only movement that came from her was her light, slow breathing.

Another man came forward and bent down to his friend's level to speak to him as the man was seated in a chair as well. They spoke in hushed voices about the women before them and immediately stopped when she slightly moved.

AK watched as Sivaangi shifted a little in her position and sensed that she was now gaining consciousness, he turned to his friend.

"Get me the glass of juice on that table over there and leave the two of us alone for a while da, I'll speak to her and give you a call you if we need anything"

The other man obliged and got the glass of juice for him and moved out of the room shutting the door securely behind him, leaving the other two inside the room.

Slowly, Sivaangi's eyes started fluttering and AK waited patiently for her to open her eyes and speak.

~ Sivaangi's POV ~

My eyes started to flutter open and I was met with an immediate blinding haze making me shut them again. I tried opening them once again, but a lot slower this time and I found blurred figures in front of me, I shook my head a little and blinked a few times to get rid of the blurriness and slowly things started coming into focus.

And when they did, I was met with two striking hazel brown orbs.

Damn that jawline.

A sharp pain shot through my head and I tried to bring my hand up to it but something restricted me from doing so. I look down to find my hands and feet bound with ropes to a chair. I raise my eyebrows with a glare at AK and all he does is grin in response.

"I think you aren't capable of having a sane conversation with me without being restricted of movement" he says and leans back in his position.

"No I think I'm perfectly capable of doing so" with my eyes I gesture to the ropes around me and ask, "Now would you mind untying me?

"No, I'm not going to"

"Whyever not?" I ask exasperated, the ropes were really starting to hurt now.

"Well, you might try and escape or try and stab me like you attempted to do an hour ago" he says casually, while my eyes go wide.

"An hour ago!?!? I've been unconscious for a whole fucking hour?!" if my hands weren't tied up at the moment, they would be flailing around in the air.

"Yes you've been unconscious for an hour, and please refrain from using too much energy as that will only make you weaker, but here.." he holds out a glass of juice towards me, "Drink this, it will help you slowly gain your strength again"

I eye the glass of juice warily.

"How do I know you haven't poisoned this or something, what if your trying to kill me by fooling me with a simple glass of juice!" I ask him.

"Well if you want to make sure-" he pauses and takes a sip of the glass of juice himself and swallows it, okay maybe he wasn't trying to fool me by filling it with poison.

"Wait! How am I supposed to take the glass from you and drink the juice if you've tied my hands up?" I ask with a smirk.

He grins, "I could just pour it down your throat you know, and we wouldn't need to have you untied from the ropes"

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