• 3| Through The Balcony •

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~Sivaangi's POV ~

The timer rings as I let the punching bag fall limp. It sways for a while before it stops moving as I don't give it any force. I take off the gloves on my hands and look up at the digital clock that was hung up on the wall of the training room. Nine forty-five, the time was ticking by and I was yet to have dinner. Since I had a feeling that this may be one of the longest missions I'm going to go on, I decided to have something light to eat, to sustain my energy.

Picking up a plate of stuffed pastries, I stalk to my room while eating a pastry straight off the plate. Some of the flakes from the pastry fall onto the ground but I couldn't care less, this was Gunasekar's residence, not mine. And besides, I already planned on leaving this place anyways. 

Entering my room, I kick the door shut with the back of my foot and place the plate of pastries on my dresser. 

Opening the door to my closet, I take out a pair of skinny black denim jeans, and a simple black t-shirt. I change out of the clothes that I was currently wearing after taking a nice cooling shower. My body's temperature cooled down, making me feel more relaxed, which was a good way to feel before a mission.

I take my preferred black boots from the bottom shelf and lace them up. I give myself a once over in the mirror and find something missing. Ah, the leather jacket! I take off my favorite black leather jacket from the hanger and put it on, now I feel satisfied with my look.

I stare at my selection of weapons in the drawer I just opened up, which ones should I take?

My most preferred weapons are knives, they have always been the easiest for me to handle. Some may think guns are better, especially when you want to shoot long distances rather than getting up close, but I don't prefer guns. The main reason is that I can't aim properly, I've tried and practiced but it just doesn't work out.

I take out two pocket knives from the drawer and attach one of them to my right boot, the other I slip into the slit in my belt around my waist. I gather my hair into a high ponytail and slip in a needle infused with 'benzodiazepines' a drug that makes a person go unconscious. Even though I can't aim properly, I tuck a gun into the back pocket of my jeans just in case I can't end him with my knife and I'm in a life or death situation.

I walk away from the closet and towards the dresser to pick up another pastry from the plate, food is really important you know? Especially food that's mouth-watering.

I look up at the clock once again and find that it was now ten-thirty, I should get going now. I take my watch from my desk and wrap it around my wrist before picking up my duffel bag filled with my personal belongings and some food that I had packed the previous day so that I was all set to leave this dammed place. 

The only good things that had happened to me while here was Kala ma and Sakthi two souls I would forever be grateful towards. 

I have already informed Sakthi about my decision, he was reluctant at first and wanted to come along with me but I convinced him and said to him that I wanted him to stay here and give me information every once in a while about what's happening here and in the future once I've settled down properly, I told him I'll call him to join me.

On the other hand, I just couldn't confront Kala ma, I knew it the second I told her what I was to do, she'd break down, and seeing her break down would just make me do the same. It would create commotion and havoc and I couldn't afford to let that happen. Instead, I chose to say goodbye, she thought I was just bidding bye before my mission but only I knew what this meant.

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