• 8| Getting To Know Her - One •

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~ No One's POV ~

Laughter and chatter at the dining table died the second Ashwin came into view, the group encountered a pin drop silence as he walked towards them with an austere expression on his face. Unlike the usual calm composure they were met within the morning, they found themselves wondering if Ashwin had any important news to share.

"Dei yenada ivan moonjiya urrunu vechutu varan? Ethaachu prechanaya irukumo" Pugazh hisses to Rakshan while elbowing him.

(Why is his face so stern? Do we have some kind of new problem?)

Rakshan who already knew why Ashwin was like this remained silent, he had been the one Ashwin had called upon in the middle of the night and when Ashwin told him that he was going to request the girl to join their gang, he was beyond shocked. It wasn't like Ashwin to suddenly take impulsive decisions, that too about adding members to their gang, but if Ashwin made this really crucial decision, he wouldn't have done it without a reason.

Everyone trusted AK, and so his decision must be the right one.

"Prechanaya iruntha ineram inga galatta nadanthirukume" Jeeva whispers back to the other two after seeing Ashwin take a seat silently at the dining table.

(If it were a problem, there would have been a commotion by now)

Ashwin reaches over for a butter knife and sends the trio a look, "Ennada munumukureenga? Sorugeeduvan jaakratha!" Ashwin threatens them with the knife.

(What are you guys murmuring on about? Be careful or I might just stab you)

Rakshan chuckles under his breath quietly while Jeeva looks bored and Pugazh looks horrified.

"Sapdalaya da?" Pugazh asks when Ashwin puts the knife back in it's place and leans back in his chair.

(Aren't you going to eat?)

"Athukku motha naa unga kitta oru vishya tha pathi pesanum" Ashwin replies, straightening his back again and folding his hands in front of them.

(I have to talk to you all about something)

Jeeva and Pugazh turn to each other and nod, "Sollu da"

Ashwin hesitates for a while, trying to find the words that will make the situation seem... right? 

"Uhm-" he clears his throat, "We will have a new member joining our gang"

"New member? Okay, who's it gonna be, where are they?" Jeeva asks, his hands resting under his chin.

Gathering his thoughts, Ashwin stands up while saying, "She's upstairs, I'll go call her to come downstairs for breakfast and you all can get introduced" and with that he stalks off as fast as he could to the foot of the stairs and climbs it in a blink.

Luckily he got away just in time before a surprised outburst emitted from the table, "SHE!? It's a she!? As in a girl, oh my god I cannot believe Ashwin would do something like this" Jeeva says out of surprise.

"Dei yenda ivan ponna kootitu varen nu solran, athuvum mela irunthu, ithuellam yeppoda nadanthathu?!" Pugazh asks, absolutely confused with the happenings around him.

(Hey! He's saying he is going to bring a girl, that too from upstairs!? When did all of this happen?!)

Rakshan, who couldn't keep his laughter at bay, burst into a fit of giggles at Pugazh's comment. The trio knew what kind of man AK was, and to find him voluntarily accept a girl into the gang was a big shocker for them, but what Rakshan knew was different to what the other two are assuming.

"Nee yen oru reaction-num kudukala Raksha?" Jeeva enquires.

(Why aren't you giving any reactions?)

"I already knew" Rakshan replies trying to keep his mouth in a straight line, and that one bit of information was enough to start another commotion.

"WHAT!?!" The two of them chorus, before starting to ask a billion questions, making Rakshan's head spin and wonder when the other two would arrive.


~ Sivaangi's POV ~

Finishing up my shower, I change into an old white, cropped t-shirt and a pair of leggings, I dry my hair with a towel as I couldn't find a hair dryer anywhere in AK's bathroom and so I leave my hair free as it is.

I step out of the bathroom and move towards the foot of the bed. Where the hell was AK, I needed food as soon as possible and he was keeping me waiting.

Well in the meantime, while I wait for him to arrive, I could always look around his room, the vast area had to be explored, especially by a curious person like me who couldn't keep still when it comes to new places. I get off the bed and move towards a table placed near a sofa, it had what seemed like an antique clock hanging on the wall above the table, on the desk was a single framed picture of AK.

I give a low whistle while staring at the frame. Damn he looks good in a suit, and the black tinted glasses give of such a nice effect. 

Suddenly I hear a throat clearing sound that startled me, scrunching my face, I gulp before turning to find exactly who I was expecting.

If only I could wipe that cocky smirk off his face!

"Romba rasichitu irukeenga pola" he says. I bite my tongue for being so careless and choose to ignore the comment.

(Seems as though your heavily admiring it)

"Finally your here, I can finally have some food, can we go now?" I ask hastily and try to move past him to go outside the door, but he blocks the way by leaning his hand on the door frame.

I try to duck under his arm, but he shifts his body to the side restricting me once again. I try to use this as a chance to go through the other side only for him to stretch out his leg. Finally giving up, I cross my arms over my chest and huff at him, tilting my head a little to look up at his smug face.

"I want to go out" I declare.

"Well I want to know what you were doing a few minutes ago" he also declares.

"I-uhh.. I was just looking around the room 'cos you were taking too long" I try to create some other story but I doubt he's gonna believe it.

"Oh really" AK puts on such a sincere face as if he was believing every single one of my words, and nods his head animatedly. "Anything else to add?"

"That's all, can we go now then?" I try and avert my gaze from him and look elsewhere while tapping my fingers on my arm.

My breath hitches when he leans down, his warm breath hits the base of my neck as he maneuvers to my earlobe. I try and control my thudding heart as his nose grazes my right ear.

"Next time photo paakanum na enta kelu, ithe maathiri neraiya iruku" He whispers into my ear before straightening himself and moving out the door while gesturing me to follow him outside

(If you want to look at my photo, ask me next time because there's alot more from where that came from)

Padupaavi payan, enna senjutu poran paarunga!

I walk behind him shaking my head to clear all thoughts, before wondering who the new people I'm going to meet are gonna be and what they would think of me. Will they accept me? 

I hope they do, because currently, I have no where else to go.


Hi All! Sorry for the late and short update, still a little sick so finding it hard to type up the chapters, but since a few of you were asking, here's the next chapter.

Hopefully you liked it! Do vote and comment to share thoughts!! ❤️

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