Chapter 3- The Call Of All Calls

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It All Started With Hello Ch.3


Why does she treat me like I'm a little kid? I'm thirteen turning fourteen in February. I'm going to high school soon. She needs to loosen up.

My phone started ringing.

"What Isis? I don't wanna talk about it." I said as I answered my phone.

"No. That's not what I called for...this time. Look on Instagram. Now!" She ordered me.

"Okay." I put my earbuds in my ear so I could keep talking to Isis then I tapped my Instagram app on my phone.

I searched through my timeline to see Princeton posted a screen shot of our Kik conversation. The caption read,

*I think I found my Mrs. Right, my #1Girl #loveisintheair*

"Oh my God! No he didn't." I gasped.

"Oh yes he did." Isis said.

"At least I don't need you to tell me the conversation." I told Isis.

"Yeah. You don't...For now." Isis laughed. "Did your mom trip?"

"What do you think?" I asked and rolled my eyes. I got a Kik message from Princeton. "He Kiked me again!"

"Answer it then!" Isis said.

"I am. Shut up." I sighed.

[Hey. Can I get your ##? -Prince]

[Sure. 555-525-5765 -Artemis]

[Cool I'ma txt u later okay? -Prince]

[Sure thing Prince. Oh n I saw your pic on IG. You found ur Mrs. Right, ur #1 Girl?? -Artemis]

[I think I did;) -Prince]

I bit my lip to hold back my smile. I decided to reply something simple instead of fan girling on him.

[Oh (@-@ ) -Artemis]

[Lol What is that? -Prince]

[My shades -Artemis]

[Lol Take off your shades so I can see your eyes -Prince]

[1.4.3 a smiley with a wink;) -Artemis]

[Will you be my Valentine's girl? -Prince]

[Where is Mr. Right? -Artemis]

[Currently in L.A wit a curly mop of hair on his head XP -Prince]

"Hello? Did you just forget about me?!" Isis yelled through the phone.

"Oops! My bad, Ise. I was just talking to Prince. I'll talk to you later." I apologized.

"Mmhmm." Isis mumbled before hanging up.

[Did I scare you or sumthing? I'm sorry if I did:( -Prince]

[No I was talkin to my best friend before you Kiked n I forget bout her Tee Hee -Artemis]

[Lol yea I was talkin to Ray Ray but he ran off so I Kiked you then he came back with Prodigy and Roc -Prince]

[&& they're teasin ypu? -Artemis]

[Yea how'd you kno? -Prince]

[I watched enough AwesomenessTv Mindless Behavior Takeover to understand you boys. Tell Roc I was JTFO when he got food in his underwear XP -Artemis]

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