Chapter 54- Oooh! Y'all In Trouble!

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It All Started With Hello Ch.54


"Hey, mi amor." Prince smelled as we met them at LAX airport Monday night. He tried to kiss me and I pushed his face back.

"Great. They saw the video." Ray sighed as they got their backs and we went to the van.

It was a silent ride to the Conjunction House where the boys would stay until the morning.

"India?! India of all goddamn, motherfucking people?!" Brittany blew up once we were all on the house.

"Brit, calm down. I swear we were just acting. It was nothing." Ray tried to calm her down.

"You know? Just teach us the damn dance so we can move past this." Jari scoffed as Prod tried to kiss her.

"Come on! Mine's wasn't even that bad!" Prod said. "I was the heartbroken nigga!"

"I almost said something so wrong that would make us used to be." I scoffed at Prince. "Like, ugh!"

I just wanted to choke him.

"And what the hell was that...hoe with the damn popcorn?!" Isis poked Roc's chest.

"Shut up!" Walter shouted over our shouting. The girls sat on one couch as the boys sat on another. "What the hell is you're problem? It was acting. They were acting! Calm down."

"Walter, I almost told you something that would break your heart and make you hate me." Isis rolled her eyes.

"Why the hell are you so mean, Isis?" Walter asked in a whiney voice. "If y'all don't like the video, what should have happened?"

"About time you asked. This is what should have happened." I said as I leanded forward in my seat. "So it starts of with Prod and Jari. Prod is walking down the street when he sees Jari with her new boyfriend. He notices she has his chain around her neck. Once we walks past her, he starts singing. Just before the chorus you see Brittany and Ray together-- they are the cutesy first part of the relationship. The "I love you, cupcake, sugar dumpling" stage.

"Then you cut to Isis and Roc where they are in the "I love but I can't stand you" part of the relationship-- where they fight but make up instantly. Then towards the end, you cut to me and Prince where we are fussing and fighting-- the "I fucking hate you. I'm done with you" part of the relationship. Throughout the whole video you see Prod trying to get Jari to remember the good times they had even through the bad times. They lean in to kiss, but the camera cuts off."

I leaned back in my seat like a boss.

"That...sounds like the works of a genius." Keisha clapped. The girls clapped as well.

"Okay. Yeah, that was nice, but where would it be shot if we decided to do it?" Walter asked.

"Here in L.A. Or we could go to New Orleans." Jari said.

"Have Alexa pick out our wardrobe and do our makeup." Isis nodded.

"And have some of our friends be in it." Brittany smiled.

"I hate when they're right about something." Roc sighed.

"Can I have a kiss now?" They all asked. We blew them a kiss.

"Let's go to the studio to record the album then we can worry about shooting another video for Used To Be." Walter said as we got our things. I guess we're having a late night studio session.

"I guess it's official. See you don't wanna kick it with a five star stunna like me. You got her initials where my name used to be. Where my chain used to be. Aye, didn't I used to be that girl? I see you everywhere I go. I gotta hear it from everybody we know. I be tryna keep it G like it's whatever. Wishing you and me were back together." I sang in a loud, powerful as we got in the van, startling everyone.

"Girl, I used to be your superman. Now I'm flying solo. You used to be one hundred with me now you on the low low. Things ain't been the same, we ain't a thing like we used to be. Girl, we used to be like Jay and Beyonce. Brad and Angelina. Had to let the gossip and the rumors come between us. We ain't like we used to be. Used to be. Used to be. That was us." Prod sang.

"Artemis, where did that voice come from?" Walter asked as he drove.

"Somewhere deep inside. Somewhere deep where hurt is held." I muttered.

"What?" Walter asked.

"I don't know where it came from. It just came out." I shrugged as we got to the studio.


Hi everyone!

Ooooh! Them boys in trouble! *ratchet girl voice*

Lol. Y'all know y'all was salty during the Used To Be video. I was but I wasn't 'cuz Prince and Rachel weren't that bad.XP

Anyway, what do y'all think about the story? Tour's coming up in the story so be ready for the drama to unfold.

Love ya,



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