Chapter 19- A Mindless School Gift

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It All Started With Hello Ch.19


Getting back to the flow of school was kind of hard after the flow of vacation.

To make things worse, 8th grade had mandatory tutoring starting on the 14th. Monday through Thursday from 3PM to 4:30PM. It's like they want to ruin our lives.

"Hey Princess." Jari smiled at me on Friday the 11th.

"Hey Jewel," I hugged her. "Why do we have to have tutoring next week?"

"I don't know." Jari groaned as we went to the auditorium to seat down. We sat by Isis and Elise Smith, a good friend of ours.

"Ise, have you talked to the boys lately?" I asked.

"Yeah. Chres said that they had a performance at some high school somewhere." Isis said.

I shook my head. They don't like to tell us anything. I just talked to Jari as we waited to go to class

When the morning announcements finished, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade were still sitting in the auditorium.

"Oh my gosh! Why are we still here?" Jari asked. Juno and Alexa moved from where they were sitting to sit by us.

"I don't know, but I feel like its has to do wi--"

"Excuse me!" Mrs. Carter, our principal, said as she stood on stage. "We have a very special surprise for the middle school students! These artists are here to perform for you. Please welcome them."

We all clapped excitedly. The only artist that ever came to our school was Kourtany Heart.

Roc, Ray, Prod, Prince, and Myles walked on stage and we all went crazy.

"What's good, Martin Behrman?" Prince shouted. We screamed louder. The boys scanned the crowd for a second; looking for someone. Us probably.

"Yell MB ball so hard, girls. They're looking for us." I told Juno, Alexa, Jari, and Isis. They nodded.

"1...2...3!" I counted down.

"MB BALL SO HARD!" We shouted as loud as we could. Everyone looked our way, even the boys and teachers. The boys smiled and looked away.

"Hey everyone! I am Prodigy!" Prod did a little dance.

"What's up? I'm Roc Royal." Roc waved.

"It's your boy, Ray Ray." Ray smiled.

"And yours truly, Princeton. And we are--"

"Mindless Behavior." The boys said together.

"We are here to give you a little performance. We heard that this was a creative arts school and that you work hard all year for LEAP testing, so we want to give you a treat." Prince said as he walked the stage. Everyone shouted.

"Can we do that for you today?" Ray asked. Everyone shouted out yes.

"Then let's turn up!" Roc said.

"Yeah, but we are gonna need your help," Prod smirked. "Who at this school dances the best?"

Eveeyone looked at Jari, Isis, and I.

"Oh my gosh! Guys, look! It's our friends!" Ray exclaimed playfully and jumped off stage. Everyone went crazy as the boys followed him. They shook people hands and gave some hugs until they got to us.

"Hey twin." Ray said to me.

"2braidz! What's good?" I smiled as I stood up. Isis and Jari got up with me. We hugged the boys quickly.

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