Chapter 66- Roc's Birthday (Read At Your Own Risk)

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It All Started With Hello Ch.66


Today is Roc's 16th birthday!

He decided that he wanted to go rock climbing in Colorado, but Keisha made it safer, so we'll be indoor rock climbing in Mobile, Alabama-- Babydoll's hometown.

"Happy birthday, baby." I kissed Roc's cheek. I got in his hotel room with the key he gave me. Keisha and Walter let him have his own room since it was his birthday.

"Thank you, ICEE." Roc mumbled as he opened his eyes. He proped himself up with his elbows. "What time is it?"

"Just after nine. We need to get up so we can be there when the place opens." I told him softly as I played with his short curls.

"Can't I sleep in on my birthday?" He groaned and flopped back down.

"Would you get up and be ready in thiry minutes if I said I have a surprise for you tonight?" I asked him. He raised his eyebrows.

"You mean...?" He trailed off. I nodded. "Are you sure, Isis?"

I nodded again.

"Now get up and get ready. The sooner we start the day, the sooner we can finish it." I smirked and kissed his cheek. He smiled and got up to get ready. I left his room and went into my room that I was sharing with Juno, Jari, Artemis, and Brittany.

"So did you tell him your surprise?" Artemis asked when I walked in.

"Kinda. He was worried about me, but I can't wait." I smirked. The girls laughed.

"Just be safe, Isis. You are only fourteen. We don't need any babies around here." Brittany said.

"Of course. I don't want any either." I scoffed as someone knocked on the door. I opened it to find Prod, Ray, and Prince standing there.

"Good morning. We got doughnuts." Prince smiled and walked in. Ray and Prod followed in and I closed the door. We all grabbed a doughnut.

"Don't do anything stupid tonight, Isis." Ray said as he sat down next to Brittany.

"What are you talking about, Ray?" I cocked my head to the side. Prod opened the door for Roc as he knocked on the door.

"Don't think about fucking Roc tonight because it's his birthday." Ray said and Roc stopped walking.

"Oh. I don't plan on fucking Roc--"

"That's good, cuz--"

"I didn't finish," I cut Ray off. "Like I was saying. I don't plan on fucking Roc, I plan on making love to Roc. There's a difference."

Artemis and Jari were actually rolling on the floor at my statement.

"What would your mom say? Your dad? Keisha? Walter?" Prod asked.

"Well, see. Remember when we had the party to celebrate Unique Royalty getting signed into Interscope Records?" I asked, but continued without an answer. "Roc talked to my mom and dad then and they said they thought he was a lovely young man who had a lot going for him. So I don't think they'd care much. As long as I'm not pregnant, I'm sure they won't care."

I said all of this with a big smile on my face like a bitch.

"You are such a bitch, Isis." Brittany laughed.

"Aww! Thank you, Brittany!" I smiled, placing my hand over my heart.

"Isis, I'm--"

"Come on. We're heading out!" Diggy banged on the door. We got up and left.

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