Chapter 40- 106 & Park

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It All Started With Hello Ch.40


"Get up. We need to get to the studio." Keisha woke us up.

I groaned, but got up and went to take a shower to wake up. After I finished, Brittany went in. I got dressed in a white and black blouse with a red and blue cardigan, black skinny jeans, creme heel boots, and a Cullen choker necklace with a peace sign on my left hand, and diamond peace sign earrings Prince bought me yesterday when we went shopping.

"How do I look?" I asked as I stepped into the hallway of the hotel where everyone was waiting.

"So that's when-- Wow!" Prince gasped. I looked down as I blushed with a big smile.

"You look great! And you're all matching." Prod laughed.

Isis was wearing a black and white blouse with a purple and blue cardigan, black skinny jeans, and black heel boots. Jari was wearing a black and white blouse with a green and blue cardigan, black skinny jeans, and white heel boots. Brittany was wearing a black and white blouse with a blue cardigan, black skinny jeans, and black heel boots with white laces.

"We look good." We smiled as Juno came out of the hotel room. She was wearing the same thing I was.

"We look just alike." Juno and I said together. The only difference was my hair was out and her's was in a ponytail.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you were Artemis." Walter told Juno. We all laughed as we walked to the van. We got a few more minutes of sleep until we got to the 106&Park studio.

"Hey girls. We're so happy to have you today." Bow Wow greeted us. "Hey my bros."

The boys dapped him off.

"Oh my gosh! I have always wanted to meet you!" I gushed. Brittany, Jari, and Isis nodded in agreement.

"I love you!" Brittany said.

Bow Wow laughed.

"You girls are so cute. It's nice to meet you. I can't wait to see the video. I love your song. I'm a big fan." Bow smiled. They ushered us to a make up room before we could respond.

"He is cuter in person." Isis said as someone did her make up.

"His eyes are to die for!" Jari gasped.

"Really though!" I smiled.

We passed the time until 6PM when the show started. We were standing in the green room praying when they called us on stage. We waved bye to the boys and walked on stage with Juno.

"...and here is Unique Royalty." We heard Bow Wow shout and the screen doors opened. We stood as the livest audience cheered for us. We walked toward Bow Wow and Miss Myckie.

"Hello girls. Introduce yourselves." Myckie smiled.

"Hi, I'm Jewel." Jari smiled and everyone cheered.

"What's good? I'm Royalty." Isis smiled.

"It's your girl, TrendyB." Brittany waved.

"And its yours truly, Princess. And we are--"

"Unique Royalty." We said together. Everyone cheered.

"And who are you?" Myckie asked Juno.

"I'm DJ MiniMe. The DJ and sound producer for Unique Royalty." Juno answered. Everyone cheered.

"Now this is something we all are astonished by you four-- sorry, five ladies have blown up faster than any other artists known in the game. In one week, you have a fan base of a million or more, a million downloads on iTunes, and been on more magizne covers than I can count. How do you feel?" Bow Wow said.

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