Chapter 67- Sick Day

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It All Started With Hello Ch.67


Brittany, Isis, Juno, and I stared at Artemis as she moaned in pain on the bus floor. She had a migraine and didn't want anything to help her.

"Want an Advil?" Brittany asked for the umpteenth time.

"No." Artemis groaned.

"A cold towel?" Isis asked lazily. She was ready to snap at her.

"No." Artemis groaned again.

"We should call Prince. He'll know what to do with her." I said and called Prince on Artemis's phone.

"Hey mi amor." Prince answered brightly.

"Sorry, but your love is laying on the floor moaning in pain." I said.

"Why? What's wrong with her?" Prince asked in alarm. I heard Ray, Roc, and Prod ask questions. I put the phone on speaker.

"She has a migraine and doesn't want to take anything." Brittany explained.

"You know she hates pills and is stubborn." Ray laughed.

"Want me to come on and sit with you, mi amor?" Prince asked Artemis.

"No. If we stop, it'll put us behind schedule." Artemis groaned.

"So? Forget everyone else. You're in pain, Artemis." Prince said.

"Did he just say forget us?" Roc asked.

"I think he did, babe." Isis pouted.

"Oh shut up." Prod and I said at the same time.

"Look. Next time we stop at a gas station, Prince can come on y'all bus and the rest of y'all come on ours." Roc suggested.

"No. Too many people on one bus." Ray said. "How about Isis and Brittany come on our bus and Prod and Prince go on yours. The calm, quiet people together and the loud, crazy people together."

"That sounds cool." Prod said.

"Yeah. We'll see y'all in a few." Prince said before hanging up.

Soon, but not soon enough, we stopped at a gas station. Brittany, Isis, Juno, and I ran off the bus with our phones and laptops.

"New plan. Everyone, but Prince goes on your bus." Isis told the boys.

"Why?" Prince asked.

"The damn bitch's time of the month, she has a fever, and a damn migraine. Add that shit together." Juno said.

"You're her twin, can't you do something?" Prod asked Juno.

"I'm not her twin this time of the month." Juno scoffed.

"Alright. Go. I'll take care of my baby." Prince said as he walked onto our bus.

"There goes one brave, strong soldier. Hopefully we'll see him again." Roc shook his head as we walked to their bus.

"I'm gonna go on Diggy and Jacob's bus." Juno said.

"She just wanna get her a taste from Latimore Bakery." Brittany teased her.

"Just don't tell him that. Trying to play hard to get." Juno winked as she ran to Jacob's bus.



"Babe?" I whispered as I got on Artemis's bus and closed the door. I heard a groan near my feet.

I looked down to see Artemis laying on the floor with her eyes closed and nose scrunched up in pain.

"Maybe you're sick because you're laying on the floor." I sighed as I picked her up. "Do you have enough pads or tampons? Or should I get some before we pull off?"

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