Chapter 15- Christmas Surprise Pt.5

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It All Started With Hello Ch.15


At 10PM that night, we were still waiting on my dad-- whom called and said he was on his way at 10AM that morning.

"Is your dad always late?" Roc asked as we lounged in the living room in different positions. Isis was sitting on Roc as he was spread out on the sofa, Jari was sitting on Prodigy's stomach as he was also spread on the sofa, Brittany and Ray sat at the bar in the bar stools, I was laying on Princeton as he laid on the floor, and Juno was sitting in the recliner with Horus bothering her.

"Yeah. Always." Juno answered.

"Wanna play the Wii?" Brittany asked.

"What games do you have?" Ray asked.

"Just Dance 4, the Michael Jackson Experience, and other uncool games." I said.

"Let's hit that MJ Experience!" Prodigy exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Roc said and sat up. Isis fell onto the floor on top of me and Prince.

"Ow!" Prince and I squealed together as the wind was knocked out of us.

"Sorry guys." Roc apologized as he helped us up.

"Who wants to go first?" Juno asked after she set the Wii up. We only have two remotes.

"I do." Horus said.

"I wanna go." Prodigy nodded.

"Dude, we gotta play Thriller." Horus said as they got the remotes strapped to their wrists.

"Yeah. That's gonna be dope." Prodigy said. They started playing and it was hilarious. It was like watching two Prodigys dance.

When they finished, we were dieing with laughter. Horus may look like Prodigy, but he sure couldn't dance like him.

"Horus! Epic fail!" Isis booed. Horus sat on her lap.

"Shut up, Ise!" Horus licked Isis's cheek.

"Eww!" Isis squealed and wiped her cheek. I grabbed the Wii remote from Prodigy.

"I'm gonna do my song Remember the Time." I said.

"I wanna play." Prince hopped up and grabbed the remote from Horus.

"Great. This is the perfect song for us to do." I smiled.

"Yeah. Uh-huh. Now play the game." Jari rolled her eyes playfully. I stuck my tongue out at her before starting the song.

We danced perfectly to the song, but I won. This is my favorite song-- no one can beat me at it.

"You just got your butt whipped!" Roc laughed at Prince.

"I let her win." Prince said.

"Boy, don't denie my skills!" I scoffed. "I beat you fair and square."

"Uh huh." He nodded.

We all played against each other in the Michael Jackson Experience then we all played each other in Just Dance 4. It was so much fun until my dad called me to say he was outside.


"Hey baby. I'm outside." Daddy said through the phone.

"Okay. Coming." I said and hung up.

"Who's that?" Juno asked.

"Our father." I said and grabbed Prince's hand. He was shaking.

"Daddy!" Juno, Brittany, Jari, and Isis squealed and ran outside. We followed them out.

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