Chapter 6- Prince Charming

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It All Started With Hello Ch.6


"Hey Prince, man, you gonna put your phone away and pay attention now?" Walter asked me sarcastically as we sat in the studio.

I looked up to see the boys staring at me. I blushed and put my in my pocket.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"Alright. So we need to really hit these songs for the album." Walter rubbed his hands together. Roc, Prodigy, Ray, and I nodded our heads. I could tell all of our minds were in a different place.

Mine just happened to be in New Orleans right now. I'm guessing Roc's and Prod's were too. Ray's was probably in Atlanta.

"Boys! Pay attention!" Walter snapped. We looked at him with dazed faces.

"Huh?" Roc asked and Walter sighed.

"Pay attention or I'm taking your phones away so you can't talk to those girls." Walter said. We instantly became alert.

"That's more like it. Prod, get in there." Walter ordered. Prod jumped up and walked into the booth. We sat and watched as he recorded our new track.

After about thirty minutes of watching and listening to Prod sing, Walter let us go. We ran out of the studio faster than the speed of light.

"They're running like some runaway slaves!" We heard Walter scoff as we ran to the van.

"Whoa! Slow down. What's the rush?" Keisha asked us when we jumped in the van.

"No reason." Roc said as he looked at his phone with a big smile.

"Yeah. We just can't wait to get back to the house." Prodigy said as he smiled at his phone. I just nodded and looked at my phone.

"Ray, what's wrong with those three?" Keisha asked as Walter got in the van and we started driving.

"What else? Girls." Ray laughed as my phone vibrate.

"Yes!" I fist pumped. It was Artemis calling me. I cleared my throat before answering the phone.

"Hello?" I smiled, acting calm. Keisha, Walter, and the boys laughed at me.

"Hi. Are you alone?" Artemis's sweet, angelic voice came through my phone.

"No. I'm with the boys, Walter, and Keisha." I answered with a soft, goofy smile on my face.

"Aww. Too bad. I wanted to talk about a certain text message. Or should I say a few text messages?" I could hear the smirk in her voice.

" see...uh...I..." I stuttered.

"Oooh. She got you flabbergasted." Keisha laughed.

"Shh!" I hissed at her.

"HI KEISHA, WALTER, PROD, ROC, AND RAY!" Artemis yelled through the phone. I moved it from my ear.

"Hey Artemis." Prod said.

"Goddess! What's good?" Roc smiled.

"Yo Greece." Ray said. Walter and Keisha looked confused.

"The girl with the name GoddessA less than three?" Walter asked and I nodded. The car stopped at the Conjunction House.

"They said hey." I told Artemis.

"Yay! So what's going on?" She asked.

"Just getting home." I said as we stepped out of the car.

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