Chapter 47- Graduation

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It All Started With Hello Ch.47


"Are you nervous?" Prince asked me as Kayla did my make up for graduation.

"Yes and no." I answered. "I have to give a speech."

"Yes, you do." Prince nodded. He, Roc, Prod, and Ray were at my house waiting for graduation that started at 5PM-- which is in two hours and Juno and I have to be at the school in thirty minutes.

"It's going to be fine. Alexa has to give a speech, too. We all know how awkward that will be." Ray laughed as he spread out on my bed.

"Alright. Go put on your dress." Kayla told me. "Juno!"

I grabbed my black cocktail dress and ran to the bathroom as Juno came in.

After putting on my dress and lotion, I went back in my room to put on my pearl neacklace, earrings, and heels.

"Let me help you, mi amor." Prince smiled as he took my necklace. I moved my hair out of the way and he put my necklace on for me. He kissed my cheek softly when he finished.

"You look so beautiful." Roc said. "Both of you do."

"Don't make us cry, Artemis. Or we gonna be fighting." Prod said.

"Really." Kayla laughed as she finished Juno's make up. She had on her dress already, so we got our caps and gowns and left with Wendy.

Once we got to the school, everyone was in the cafeteria.

"Artemis!" Alexa smiled when she saw us. I smiled back at her. Juno and I hugged her then put on our caps and gowns.

Mr. Carter had everyone go to the library where we all talked.

"This girl hung up in my face." Harold told Kyrun Turner as he pointed at me.

"I hung up in your face because you were aggravating me." I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Whatever." Harold hugged me. I left go of him and went to stand next to Isis, Jari, Juno, Vickie, Alexa, and Yulissa-- who had just got here.

"It's over with today." I smiled then bit my lip to hold back the tears.

"No, Behrman is over today. We have the rest of our lives together." Jari smiled.

"You have to deal with me for the rest of your lives!" Yulissa laughed as Mr. Carter made all of us line up how we were to sit in the auditorium-- Top 12 first then everyone else. Jari and Juno were in the back and Isis was up front. They all were in my line.

I looked at Alexa to my right. We both smiled at each other before we had to walk to the second floor of the auditorium. We waited on our sides until Mr. Davis started the graduation music. The teachers walled out. I waited until Mrs. Pollard walked on the drain to walk.

As I walked I saw my grandmother, grandfather, Daddy, Wendy, Marcia, Sarayi, Kayla, Shawn(my auntie), Christan, Ma'Kayla, Kendon, Brandi(my eldest sister), Keisha(my sister-in-law), Darian, Brittany, Prince, Prod, Roc, Ray, and to my surprise Bella, Diggy, Jacob Latimore, Twist, and Jawan Harris. All the boys were dressed nicely but looked like they tried to look normal enough so no one would stampede them. Bella looked gorgeous on her white high low dress.

They smiled at me and I smiled back. They took a lot of pictures of me and Isis, who was right behind me. We stood in front of the middle seats that the graduates had to seat in until they were all standing by their seats. We walked on stage and waited for Mr. Davis to play our cues to seat down.


we turned around to face the audience, the gradautes turned to face us.


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