Chapter 13- Christmas Surprise Pt.3

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It All Started With Hello Ch.13


"What should we do with our dishes?" Prodigy asked Juno and Artemis when we finished eating.

"Just put them in the sink. We'll wish it later." Juno said.

"No. I'll wash my things." Roc and Ray said. Prince, Horus, and Prodigy nodded.

"Well, let me wash mine first. My mom is outside." Alexa said.

"No!" The girls and I sighed.

"Sorry, girlies and boys. I gotta go. Y'all know how my mom is. I'll see y'all next year. Love you." Alexa smiled and hugged us. "It was nice to meet you boys."

"You too, Alexa. Hopefully we'll see you soon." Ray hugged Alexa. I can tell they'll be best friends one day.

Alexa waved as she walked out the side door in the kitchen. We watched as she got in her mom's car and drove away.

"She think she slick. She didn't even wash her plate." Ma'Kayla laughed and rubbed her eyes. She yawned.

"Aww. Are you sleepy, Ma'Kayla?" Prodigy asked the two year old. Is it wrong to be jealous of a two year old?

"Yeah." Ma'Kayla yawned. Yes. Yes, it is wrong to be jealous of a two year old. She's so sweet.

"Come on, Ma'Kayla. Time for a bath then bed." Artemis said and picked her up. She and Prince would have some cute, talented, well behaved kids.

"Jewel, can you get that towel for me?" Artemis asked me.

"Sure, Princess." I nodded and handed her the towel. She walked into the bathroom and we heard rushing water.

"I'll wash the dishes. Just go chill in there." Juno smiled and took the dishes. We walked into the living room and sat. We talked as we waited for Juno and Artemis.

"So, Prince and Greece are together and Roc and Egypt are together," Ray said.

"Yeah. So what?" Prodigy asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"So....what about Jewel and Prod?" Ray asked.

"Uh...well..." I trailed off.

"Um...guys, we'll get back to you on that." Prodigy said and I nodded. Artemis came back in the living room with Ma'Kayla wrapped in a towel; her long curly hair dripping wet.

"Prince, can you get me a towel? If you walk past the kitchen toward the back door there's a bin with towels." Artemis asked sweetly.

"Okay, mi amor." Prince spoke in Spanish and Artemis swooned.

"Dang! He got you wrapped around his finger." Horus laughed.

"More like I got him wrapped around mine. He did talk to me first." Artemis smirked.

"And I'm happy I did." Prince kissed Artemis's cheek as he handed her the towel. We all looked between Prince, Artemis, and Ma'Kayla. They looked like a family.

"Prince?" Ma'Kayla asked.

"Yeah, Kay Kay?" Prince smiled.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" Ma'Kayla asked. We all started different conversations to hide our thoughts.

"So will you be my girlfriend, my precious Jewel?" Prod whispered in my ear.

"Prod, I get...depressed in relationships-- no matter who its with. I really like you, but I don't want to break up." I whispered back to him.

"How about you be my partial girlfriend?" He suggested.

"A what?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

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