Chapter 41- Lynn Haven and First Day Back

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It All Started With Hello Ch.41


And we are back at school on Tuesday after our week of being stars. I wonder how everyone is going to treat us at school.

"Hey." Artemis smiled at me when she got to school. She jumped in the breakfast line with me, Keanttae Hill, Elise, Ahmad, Horus, and Khari Brisco.

"What's good, Missy?" Horus smiled. "How was New York?"

"It was hype. I was so glad to see all of y'all on Saturday, though." Artemis answered as we got in the cafeteria and sat down.

"Yeah. It was alright. Nothing like New Orleans, yet so much like it. Like everyone is just moving, moving, moving." I said.

"For sure." Artemis nodded. They nodded as we ate and talked about what we did over break. Artemis and I didn't really want to talk about our break.

"See y'all in a few." Artemis said as she went to the morning store to work. The rest of us went inside the auditorium.

Keanttae went to sit with seventh grade in the middle and we sat with eighth grade right by the door. All of the eighth graders were dressed down in jeans and lavender picnic shirts. Today was our field trip to Lynn Haven-- a swimming picnic field trip.

Elise and I sat and talked for awhile until Artemis and Jari joined us and Mrs. Carter walked into the auditorium-- stopping fifth and six grades from leaving.

"Good morning everyone! I am happy to see all of you back. I just want to say something to four eighth grade students of ours." Mrs. Carter turned to eighth grade and smiled at Jari, Artemis, Juno, and I. "Miss Drake, Miss Williams, Miss Williams, and Miss Smith traveled to Los Angeles and New York during Spring Break to start their music career. I'm sure everyone was present on Saturday for their performance. I just want to say I am very proud of you, ladies, and I wish you good luck with your career. I have never been more proud of Behrman students. I am so proud that I got to raise children like you, and I say raise because you are here for the better part of your day. I hope you go far and long in your career."

Everyone clapped and cheered when Mrs. Carter finished. She asked Jari, Artemis, Juno, and I to stand in front of everyone.

"Thanks everyone. It's not just us four. As you know Brittany Jones, a Behrman graduate, is in the group with us. We love all of you and thank you for your support. Just remember to vote All About Him on the countdown for 106&Park." I said. Everyone pulled out their phone and started voting repeatedly.

"Cuz I'm all about him, him, him, him, him. And he's all about me, me, me, me, me. And we don't give a dang, dang, dang, dang, dang about nobodyeee." Everyone sang.

"Thank you everyone." Artemis waved before we sat down. Fifth, sixth, and seventh grades left so eighth grade could get ready for our field trip today.

"Don't think because you were being famous for a week that you didn't have to do your project or any homework." Mr. Carter told Artemis, Juno, Jari, and I.

"We did it all." We said. The teachers nodded.

"We are proud of you. It's not everyday one of your students make it into the music business. Let alone four of them and a former one. Please represent the character Behrman helped build. Represent Behrman in its greatest light. New Orleans as well. Show people that we are more than Lil Wayne, food, music, and violence." Mr. Carter said and we nodded.

We sat and waited as Mr. Carter separated everyone onto two buses. The kids who would bother Ms. Gardner, Ms. Hampton, and Mrs. Pollard rode with Mr. Carter and the rest were with us.

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