Chapter 14- Christmas Surprise Pt.4

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It All Started With Hello Ch.14


After we made our video last night and Christan picked up Ma'Kayla, the boys fell asleep on the sofa and floor. The girls and I fell asleep in either my room or Juno's. I'm glad we didn't have school today.

"Isis, get up." I threw a pillow at Isis. She slept in my room. Brittany and Jari slept in Juno's room because she had a bunk bed that held three people.

"Why?" Isis groaned.

"We have to make breakfast and I'm not doing it by myself." I said in a groggy voice.

"I forgot they were still here." Isis said in an equal groggy voice. We got up and stumbled into the living room. Roc and Ray were on the sofa and Prodigy, Princeton, and Horus were on the floor.

Princeton looked so cute! His hair was like his own personal mobile pillow. Much like my hair.

We decided not to wake them and went into the kitchen. In the kitchen, I grabbed the eggs, bacon, and pancake mix. Isis grabbed the grits-- one thing I can't make for the life of me.

I mixed the pancakes together and heated the skillet I was going to use. It was big enough to fit four pancakes in it. I made about twenty pancakes then started on the bacon. After the bacon I made the eggs and Isis made the grits. By then the boys, Jari, Brittany, and Juno were up and sitting in the kitchen and dining room.

"Is everything done?" Ray asked still half asleep.

"Almost." I smiled as I moved around the kitchen.

"We partied hard last night." Prodigy laughed.

"Yeah." Brittany yawned.

"Okay. So I don't know how you all like your eggs, so I just made scrambled." I said and passed out the plates of food. The boys attacked the plates.

"You don't know if they liked their eggs fried or fertilized?" Jari said with a straight face as the boys choked on their food. We had to pound their backs.

"Oh God. Jari, that was hilarious." Horus wiped a tear.

"Oh. Ha. Ha. So funny." Roc cut his eyes.

"It's 7. Why aren't y'all at school?" Princeton asked.

"Professional development. School for teachers." I smirked.

"Oh cool. So what's going on today?" Ray asked as he put his dishes in the sink and wash them.

"Juno and I have to pack. We're going by our dad tonight." I answered.

"What? But we're gonna be here until tomorrow." Princeton pouted.

"Yeah. We have to leave because the church that our dad, stepmom, and stepsister go to are having a Christmas program and we're angels it it." Juno smiled.

" got recast, Juno. You're the star now." I snickered.

"Oh, now that's cold." Juno sniffled playfully.

"You two are hilarious." Prodigy laughed.

"They're not as funny as us." Horus said.

"Yeah. We're the better twins." Isis nodded. We all laughed and washed our dishes. Ray, Brittany, Roc, Isis, Prodigy, Jari, and Horus sat down in the living room to watch TV while Juno and I went to pack. Princeton followed me into my room.

"...We should watch Disney Junior!" I heard Isis say.

"...No! That's for babies...and Prince." Ray said.

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