The Beginning (Rose')

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I am the type of person that can easily understood every situation

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I am the type of person that can easily understood every situation. I am not the person who will judge the book by its cover nor dive in easily on what other said about him/her. I always found something positive in every negative aspect that life brought me. You hate me, I love you. You cursed me, I will send you kisses. That's how ironic I was. Call it weird? I called it Smart. I can't let myself bury in a negative situation that will allow myself to get frustrated and devastated. Me, as myself will always find happiness in a room full of sadness.

I was born in a lawyer firm family who's not missing a single service of the church every Sunday. I am one of the lucky people who has a tight family bond,  I have an older sister and a loving pet gold fish; Joohwangi since my childhood days and now fully grown.

I am a 100% Korean but my parents moved to New Zealand and there, I was born. But somehow life brings us so much blessings that my father being a private Lawyer, gave a very good offer  in Australia to where I was raised until my parents; my dad to be exact seen a potential in me or maybe too tired of listening to my voice as I always sing at the top of my lungs at night while playing Beyonce's "Listen" in a piano instrument and guitar too.

In Australia, I didn't think that there was much of a chance for me to become a singer, especially to become a K-pop star... I was living so far from the country that it never really occurred to me as a possibility even I was studying in a school were I can follow my family's footsteps of being lawyers.

2012, at the age of 15, I decided to audition to YG Entertainment when they went in Australia and out of 399 people who auditioned I was the only one who passed. My family are very supportive that they even same with me in South Korea to make sure that everything's safe and sound until the time that they will need to leave and I have nothing to do but cry.

That very midnight in the middle of my instrumental and emotional singing ,four girls arrived looking exhausted with their gym bags on their shoulders or backpacks hanging behind. The moment was so awkward that I suddenly stood up and bow 90 degrees to them while still holding my guitar.

"you must be Park Chaeyoung!" A girl wearing a red hoodie with a raven hair in ponytail said that my mouth went agape looking at her perfect facial features. Her eyes are so bright, her nose is pointed and her heart-shaped pink lips that will draw so much attention. I noticed she was shorter than me when she reached out my hand to shake. Maybe she noticed that my mind's blown away at her goddess like aura when she reached my hand by herself while laughing.

"y-yeah. s-sorry i spaced out for awhile. I am Park Chaeyoung," I bow again as I saw a pair of feet in front of me that let my body stood up straight and saw this chubby cheek Korean beauty with a gummy smile gave me an embrace but quickly pull away.

"oops! sorry we just came in a training" I chuckled but embrace her back. Soon a girl walk towards me making herself known. "just call me Miyeon. You're so pretty" she said that made me blushed and shake my head, "no no..I'm literally out of place here when it comes to that topic" They all chuckled at my statement but soon change into laugh when a fair complexion with a boy-cut hair caught other's attention for being quiet or I might say shy.

"she's always like that" Jennie mouthed at me. And me, being me chose to break the ice and extend my arm for her.

"I'm Rose" She got startled at first but gave me a timid smile and reached for my hand while scratching her nape.

"Lisa" My eyes got widen when I heard her name. "so you're the dance machine? form Thailand?! wow! deabak!" She looks confused than ever. cute.  her innocent looks obviously makes her completely clueless on what's happening around her.  "you didn't know" I continue when Miyeon, hooked her hands on Lisa's arms and the Thai girl from what I've heard, felt relaxed to the gesture which I found something strange within my eyes.

"So Lisa is currently working on her Hangul but she is fluent in English so you can talk to her here in other language but you know the rules. We can't talk to her in other language but Hangul when we're inside the company" Jisoo explained to me which I already knew but I still nod in agreement.

We spent almost until morning singing while I'm playing my guitar with lots of western songs and k-pop songs. It turned out that my longing and sadness I felt somehow subsides with the girls beside me, I felt home.

Days turned months, Miyeon left the company when our debut from 9 girls down to 5 still delayed. She went back home to America not knowing what to do next. We surely understood but the pain in Lisa's still remain. Lisa and Miyeon had this certain connection that no one between the five of us had. They had this special feelings towards each other but kept it secret. At first, I got close with Jennie and Jisoo because the two had their own world everytime we were all together in training or study. But when Miyeon left, Lisa's world crushed. She stayed inside her room for almost a week and came out like nothing happened. It was a good sight to see but it was definitely bothered us. Jennie was the first one who became friends with Lisa from what Jisoo said but some thing changed that if you saw us inside our dorm, they didn't talk at all.

When Miyeon left, I tried myself to approached Lisa. She needed someone who could talk to and it worked. I didn't knew that Lisa and I had this certain bond that only the both of us can understand or maybe being both the youngest made us really closer. We became bestfriends. We were like twins. We sometimes bicker but before the day ends, we ended up getting back okay. I also saw how Jisoo dive in more with Lisa's state like an older sister to her. She always invite her to her home for holidays knowing that Lisa can't go back home to Thailand. But a misery on Jennie's actions towards Lisa since Miyeon left, left me confused. They became closer again thanks to Jennie's efforts. But the looks in Jennie's eyes while looking at my twin, and the way her lips will smile secretly, I never saw that in her ever.  Though, she was very vocal about her admiration to Lisa with her dancing skills and straight A's in every evaluation, I never saw Jennie getting deeply in love with another girl. Maybe I'm just over reacting to it.

I also got a huge crush with Jisoo since the day I met them. She is so freaking gorgeous but that doesn't mean that I am in love with her. It was all pure admiration but I don't exclude myself in getting in love with the same sex. I've been there but didn't last long and for now, my main goal is to fulfill my father's dream for me on becoming a singer.

Ups and downs, the four of us depend on one another.  Thanks to Jennie for guiding me along the way, Jisoo giving me advises on what to do and not, and Lisa's dancing skills that made me want to dance more. We debut as Blackpink and I am the main vocalist and lead dancer in the group.

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