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"shall we?" Jisoo asked when the first segment of the interview ends. It will took up to three minutes after many sponsors need some advertisements from the show. Jennie and Rose nods and they all went out of the room.


"welcome back to 60 minutes with one of the richest icon in celebrity world, Miss Lisa Manoban and no only Lisa but we have here her parents as well. Let us welcome Mrs. Chittip and Mr. Marco Bruischweller, the international master chef"  Everyone applaud. Excitement can be heard with every whistles and cheers from the crowd.

"This is the second time I met Mrs. Bruischweller because the first time was way back 2018. But this is the first time to meet Chef Bruischweller. It is no nice meeting you all" Ella stood up and bow ninety degrees and sit down again.

"Lisa said was true. You are so pretty." Mrs. Bruishweller said that made Ella blushed.

"Oh my ghad! I really love this family!" Ella continued as the crowd laughed.

"So let's go back to the main agenda. It's okay which one of you guys to answer this question and eonie just stay quiet there okay? Just kidding you are free to answer too" The family chuckled.

"So are you aware about Lisa's sexuality?" both of Lisa's parents looked at each other and Mrs. Bruisweller break the ice first.

"Actually Lisa told me when she was on her primary school. She was like 9 years old that time if I was right"

"yeah yeah.. I was 9 that time" Lisa said cutting off her mom.

"yeah that time, I found it not serious when she told me about that. i though she was just having her identity crisis since she was in a dance team but then when she was 11, she brought home a young girl telling me that the girl was her first love and throughout the year as she grew older and came home from South Korea, I asked her again by the age of her 16th birthday and she was like I already told you already mom. I have no problem with that but and also Marco but the thought that the people will not fully accept it and bashing her made me worried. But I always let her decide for herself and we just support her-"

"I keep on telling her that if her decision will not affect someone's state and it will make her happy, as long as we couldn't find any problem with that, we respect that and support her in all ways" Mr. Marco said in his deep voice as Lisa pouted like a baby.

"no wonder Lisa eonnie grew up as behave as she is." Lisa smiled at Ella's comment.

"Is there any girl you know that she go through hell because of the pain"

"Oh yes! I know one" Mommy Chittip said.

"I know two" Daddy Marco answered that made Mrs. Bruishchweller surprised but Lisa's looks nervous.

"hey! that's unfair!" Mommy Chittip whine that got a quick embrace from Lisa.

"sorry mommy" she said between her laughs.


"Aunt Chittip's english is so good now" Rose' said with full of admiration.

"Yeah and she never gets old. Some kind of magic I guess" Jisoo chimed in while driving.

"Gosh I miss them" Jennie whispered but enough to hear by the two.

"you mean Lisa?" Rose' teased as Jennie roll her eyes for the nth tijme.


"Can you tell which one Lisa cried more?"  Ella continue asking.

"Is that on the list of questions?" Lisa trying to snatch the small square board that Ella holding but the teen reporter quickly hide it behind her.

"Well let me give you facts. Those two women, she never even her girlfriend but they knew that Lisa loved them and they reciprocated it. But the fact that Lisa moved forward in just a week of vrying with the first girl, reverse happened on the seond girl.. I don't know if she still movong on until now with the second girl"

"oh my ghad dad! This is the reason I don't like you to talk" Lisa face palm as the crew find it funny.

"just wait when I let the world know the names" The crowd laughs more on how his dad joke around.

"don't worry we will not allow him" Ella whispered at them but obviously heard because of her microphone.

After 10 more minutes with Lisa's parents on the seat and two more breaks, the show finally come to the last segment.


"Are you ready guys?" Jisoo asked as she stop her engine. They all went out of the car and gave the car key to the guard which he gladly took.

"you're on time. Are you guys ready?"

"we've been askingthe same question to ourselves for the last 20 minutes of drive ma'am"  Rose said that made them chuckled.

"Jen? you okay? " Jennie nods but her face said the different.  They entered a huge house leading them to the kitchen where they will be heading to another door.


"So these questions will be the hardest and still, you can skip if you find it uncomfortable.Just answer me with yes and no.  And let me remind you and the people watching us for 40 minutes, that whoever names popped up here, we already got their approval for this. you ready eonnie?"  This time, the confident Lisa somehow engulfed with nervousness as her sweat started to drip at the side of her face and she can't help but swallow a lump on her dry throat.

"at some time in your Blackpink days, I don't want to ask this eonnie but this gains a lot of curiosity from the people." Lisa swallowed again as she is expecting some questions she's been expecting to come at last.

"Lisa.. Is it true that you just pretended to be good around your three members just to gain the acceptance of the Korean people but behind the camera, you're closer than the Thai idols and do not care with your members?"

The question surprised Lisa but she answer still. "no"

Ella : "Are you really the YG Princess and not Jennie?"
                                        Lisa: "no"

Ella: "Do you think you're the most popular member of Blackpink?"
                                         Lisa: "no"

Ella: "Lisa is a stubborn and selfish daughter. Yes or no?"
                                       Lisa: "N-no"

Lisa started to build liquids at the corner of her eyes. She is trying herself to stop it but it keeps on coming as the questions keeps on hurting her inside.

Ella: "You don't see Jisoo as your sister? yes or no"
                                     Lisa: "No!"

Ella: "you always makes Rose' feel like a fool yes or no"
                                       Lisa: "ghad no!"

Ella: "you never like Jennie Kim. yes or no"
                                       Lisa: "Yes. I never liked her"

Ella was surprised of Lisa's answer as liquid drops from her eyes. Other crews started to whispered at each other.

"Eonnie.. y-you must misheard the question" Ella's worried statement but Lisa just shake her head.

"No Ella. I heard it loud and clear. I never liked Jennie Kim because.. I'm in love with her" Ella's eyes went wide and all the staffs at the back of the camera started to cheer her.

"Even if she didn't love me back, I loved her but it makes complicate things for us. So if you are watching Jen, I love you. I do but your dreams matter most so I never push myself towards you. I am sorry if I said this on national television but for once, I just want to clear things. Yes I am in love with Jennie Kim but she was never my girlfriend."

"did she knew?" Ella curiously asked.

"Nah. I never admit it to her but she had the idea. I don't want toruin Jennie's career because of my damn feelings. And that's the main reason why I chose to stay here in Thailand and not in Korea"

"Oh my ghad! Are you surprised? Because I do!  Before we go on a break, I want to tell everyone that I am a jenlisa shipper since then and we will be right back!" Ella shouted excitedly

THREE YEARS AFTERWhere stories live. Discover now