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"yah yah! that's not funny Jisooyah! I know you're in your 30's now but I will not buy that" 

Her serious tone as her  eyebrows creased together makes me feel like she knew it was true cut she can't accept it. I know that with the three of them, Lisa will be the hard one to accept the fact that I got pregnant first before having a wedding. Despite of her gender preference and crackhead attitude, our youngest is the very Godly one. She always pray when she got nervous, before our concert starts or even before we start our training. She even say her fast prayer before eating and before going out somewhere. Yeah, she's prayerful. Everyone thought it was Rose', even calling her "church girl" but no. Lisa is the most prayerful one. I remember the time she bought the both of us same  shirt with a statement "trust God". She also had this cute shirt that says "God's favorite" as she always crack a joke that maybe she is God's favorite because of so many blessings she received and still receiving. And I definitely agree. We are God's favorite; maybe?  And the part of telling her I am pregnant is the hardest because the promise I made to her. I promise her that whatever it takes, I will marry Hae-in first before getting pregnant or she will not attend my wedding. Making decision to tell her the last was part of my plan to get some help from Jennie and Rose'.

"it's not true Jisoo right? you-you're just kidding right?" Lisa asked me with her shaky voice.

"I know she promised you something but we can't do anything about it. It just happened. Jisoo needs us so she told us first before her fam-" Jenni tried to explain it calmly when Lisa stood up showing all her frustrations.

"No! you don't get it!" Lisa's voice echoed inside our room and I have no words but to look at her and where she is coming from.

"Lisa you are over reacting! You are acting like she cheated on you or something-" Rose's voice fight back with the same energy as Lisa turn her back bu t remain standing.

"okay guys will you first calm down? Hubby? Hon? will you?"  Lisa sniffed. If I heard that right. And the way Jennie's face got worried and Rose' mad face calm down, they heard it too.

"Lis? enlighten us please. I know something's bothering you please talk to us" Jennie hold shoulder from behind.

"It's not about getting pregnant or your promise Jisoo. It's just-" She stops and sniffed again as we saw her sigh again and wiped a tear while slowly facing us again with her hands remain on her both sides.

"We all know half of South Korea's population will never liked me.. I know that. I accepted that because I am proud Thai. All the hatreds, all the bash, hate comments, all of it..It didn't gave me budge when it was all about me but the thing is.."  Jennie guide her to sit again but this time, in between them and I made my way to sit on the single couch.

"when it was the three of you who gets hate comments, it hurts me so much. It stabs me deep inside. I don't want any single of you to have the same pain I've been dealing with all the haters. Remember when dispatch posted something about your dating scandal with Hae-in last 2024? the photos were spread and I saw how you were so afraid and sad about getting negative comments about it. You may tell us that you're okay but I saw you. You cried. The very first time I saw you weep. And that's it! I don't want anyone of you will get those too much hate then the day after some photos were leaked that it was me and not you that in the picture and we thanked fans for spreading those edited pictures which made your headlines stop? It was me Jisoo! I asked Tewynn to edit a picture of me and put it on you then spread it on all social medias. I asked him to do that and let me get those hate comments instead of you! I told Hae-in to keep it a secret and tell them we had just friendship talk and we just seen each other that day. I am so scared when you three are the targets! I hate it!"

I want to say it is okay. I want to tell her I can handle it. But my mouth failed to voice out what my mind wants to be said. I was too stunned but Lisa's concern towards me; towards is too much. I don't deserve her love and care for us. She is so genuine and precious as my tears already falling down from what I am hearing.

"Okay- you need to hear the plan Lisa. I'm sorry but this needs to be said and done. But Jisoo said this to Hae-in and us before anyone else even her family and we they both decided to have a secret marriage here with close family and friends here"

Thank you Rose' for helping me out to say the plan cause I am frozen from what Lisa told us.

Lisa is now in front of me with her both knees folded down. Both of her hands holding mine as she started to speak.

"I love your baby as much as I love you all. It is a great blessing and having little Jisoo around is nothing but joy. But please, promise me again one thing and this time please try to fulfill it." I nod and wiped away my tears as she smiled like the way she smiled whenever she will do something silly.

"please tell me that I'm not the father" I was shock as much as the girls. Jennie threw a pillow at Lisa and started to grab her arm away from me.

"You bastard! I almost cried because of you!" Jennie keeps throwing punches while Lisa cover her face with both arm while we are laughing our ass out from a comedy scene.

"aish! how can a dwarf be this strong?!" Lisa's defense.

"dwarf? I'm a dwarf you tall idiot stick! try to fight back you moron!" Jennie fired back.

And here comes again the greatest rapper duo on the stage but both crazy kids when it is just the four of us. Oh ghad! I love them so much.

THREE YEARS AFTERWhere stories live. Discover now