The Real Deal

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"who is Fern Nopjira?"  I was stunned.

I see her eyes on fire. Her lips are dry; sign of stress. Her eyes a bit wide while looking at me intently.  She's not angry; she's confused. She's not curious about it; she's jealous. But did she knew? 

"wh-where.. h-how..I mean.." I startled. Yeah.  A jealous kitten makes me nervous ever since. I let out a very deep sigh and slowly walked slowly to close the door. I needed to tell everything between me and Fern. Even Rose and Jisoo's eyes are fixed on me and it added nervousness inside me. 

"Lisa" Jennie's warning tone. I closed my eyes for a second and take another deep breath or I might passed out from their unstable facial expressions. 

"I didn't plan to hide this okay? I am planning to tell you about this but I don't have the right time to do it and I don't think I can't explain it well." 

"Don't tell me that I am right Lisa?"  Jennie's voice breaks as. hell no!  What did I do?  We just starting to build the lost love we have with each other and I think I am ruining it. 

"Oh my ghad! You still have this attractions towards Thailand's Goddesses haven't you?" Rose' chuckled but quickly stopped when she met Jennie's teary eyes. 

"attract- wait! what are you talking about?!" Okay I am getting confusions here. 

"since when Lisa? You confessed to the whole world about your feelings with Jennie but you are having other relationship with this actress? You are hurting two birds in one stone don't you think?!"  Jisoo's angry voice hits different but wait- what the heck?

"relationship with- hurting two birds in one stone ? what?! isn't it hitting two birds? but wait guys calm down!" I didn't mean to yell but I needed to. 

I move forward to close some distance and shouting are not needed. 

"okay- we are having misunderstanding here" I started and Jisoo crossed her arms in front of her as Jennie stared on the floor sitting besides Rose'. Is she crying? 

"that actress- Fern. Is she.. is she  your girlfriend?" Jennie asked which made me shocked. 

So they thought Fern is my girlfriend! 

"Again, what are you guys talking about?" I asked with a bit question to that. 

"I saw it Lisa. I am not dumbed. You are walking away when she is calling you and you almost talk to her in a whisper that no one can hear you. I saw her hundred times missed call on your phone! I saw it just be honest with me! with us!" And now she is angry while crying silently. It breaks my heart every time Jennie cries because of me. I slowly walk and kneel down to hold her hands. I wiped away her tears from the most gorgeous cat-eyes I've seen in my entire existence. 

"remember the time when you and I secretly met in Jeju Island with mom and your mom? ." I asked  in almost a whisper as she slowly looked up to meet my eyes while I intently focuses caressing her hands with mine while kneeling down. I didn't waited for her answer but continue to my reminiscing. 

"It was the time where you and Kim Thaeyung of BTS went viral from the post of some airline worker who saw you with V on the same plane and got a photo of you and V in a car? you denied every single of it and I believed you even though a very reliable person told me it was true.. every details were true . It hurts but I decided to face the reality that  whatever was happening between you two, I have nothing to do about it because you and I had no real deal. We were in love but we can't both forced it to go into higher level of our relationship because we had a comeback." 

"what?!" I heard Rose' commented with a shocked on her voice which I expected because they didn't know the whole story. 

"I still trusted your words Jen. You told me whatever happens, you will protect our love even if your name took the risk. I trusted that and think that you must have your very good reasons of what you did with V. And now, I just want to ask if you can give the same trust I am protecting until now for you?"  She swallowed a lump on her throat and wiped the tears that caused my hand to break from holding hers.

:you know I did that on purpose. To protect you. To protect us" Jennie replied. 

"I know" Yes I knew that. She would do things just to protect me from getting hates and to protect us from getting rumors. She tapped the sit beside her as my knees got weak from kneeling and slowly, I pushed myself to sit beside her. 

"Fern and I are not what you think it is." I answered as she looked into my place again with her hands below her chin. 

"Fern is one of the prettiest and best actress in her generation. Her name is flawless and in her peak of success until a video scandal of her trends in the whole Thailand. You know when a person is on her peak of victory, someone will ruin it. Her video scandal leaked and made her name the talk of the town. The very firs night I spent here when I got back, I received a call from her and we met in person." 

"first date?" Jennie fake a chuckle in her sarcasm. 

"I admit, Fern is my childhood crush. If you can remember the poster on my wall in our first apartment, that's her." 

"Oh right! that's why her face is so familiar!" Jisoo commented as I smile timidly ta her while nodding my head. 

"continue" Rose' commanded with a very demanding tone. 

"Her team offered me a very wealthy talent fee if I will make a movie with her... A lesbian film" I looked around for their reaction and both of them got surprised but not Jennie. Her eyes are sad. 

"did you accept it?" Jennie asked again. 

"I didn't accept but I didn't deny either. I never act and some bed, shower or any sexual scenes with her that's so new to me makes me get shivers down my spine" I explained. 

"you can just say no if you don't want it" Jennie defended. 

"but because you are the Thailand's Princess, you are Blackpink, you are famous and you are also trending in a very good way, it will help her revive her career right? And help people who criticized her may doubt that Fern might be a bisexual and her viral scandal will die down.. am I right?" I nod at Rose' right explanation of the things. 

"they will use you? isn't it unfair to you?" Jisoo angrily said. 

"She is courting me everyday just for me to say yes" I answered in a sad tone that I didn't expected to come out. 

" why are you doubting?" Jennie asked in a hopeful way. 

"I had this promise to a lady that I will not love anyone else until I stopped dancing" 

"but you don't have to fulfill that promise if you want that project" 

"I know." Her eyes squirt. 

"I almost said yes but then told her to wait until I come out of my closet in public instead. And when Ella made me do it, she non-stop calling me from morning until night". 

"and?" Jisoo added. 

"I said no." 

"why?" Jennie asked in a milli-second gap after my statement as I slowly face her to meet her orbs. 

"because I love you" 

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