The Beginning (Jennie)

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It was all of a sudden when I got tired of being alone since my 10 years of age in a foreign country

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It was all of a sudden when I got tired of being alone since my 10 years of age in a foreign country. I was 100% Korean but I was moved all by myself in New Zealand to study. After graduating secondary school when my mom was planning to move again to Florida. I was the shy teen girl who never joined any program that needs some talent. I know I can sing especially rap but I didn't know if I could dance well. I was glad that I had a very understanding parents and they respected my decision on not getting enrolled but pursuing what I really like.

2009 when I auditioned on YGEntertainment and got in. 2010 I started and became a trainee. I was alone then many other trainees came. I was the first one to know the strict rules that YGE has and I being the the first means I was the one who would experience it all. I've seen trainees around 11 - 14 years old going in and out of the YGE. Most of them can't handle a very strict training while others stay. I've been a year and a half trainee when one girl caught my eye. A foreigner came inside our training room. She had this very short hair that I thought she was a boy with her little masculine aura and a fair skin. I can't see her facial features well cause she sat in a dark corner of the room.  Despite of her different looks among Korean teens around, she caught my attention with her confidence while waiting for someone or something, sitting at the back corner the room. I knew her. Mr. Yang already told us that someone from Thailand with a very good, actually Mr. Yang said she was the best girl he saw in his entire life with a very good dancing skills. I wonder how her very skinny but long arms and legs can move?

The boss came with Mr. Dan. He whispered something and they came out of the room again with this foreigner. After 10 minutes passed, I decided to have a quick drink on the side where my bag was when I heard Mr. Yang and Mr. Dan's voice came back. While other trainees were too alert with those boss's attention, I didn't even gave a slight interest. Making them feel scared has nothing to do with their performance. But I respect the boss but not scared like most of them feels whenever the are around.

"guys! meet Pranpriya but you can call her Lisa from now on. She's new here and I want everyone to welcome her like a friend but all of you are not allowed to talk to her in English or Thai if you know their language. Only us are allowed so she can speak and understand Hangul as soon as possible got it?"  The authoritative tone from Mr. Yang got my feet stood up. What the hell?! How can she speak with us if we can't talk or speak with her in English?  The feeling of being left out and alone kills someone especially when she's at unknown country! Bullshit!

I saw her beautiful brown doe eyes and even if I saw it for the first time, i saw sadness and worries engulfed her. Suddenly they sat in their perspective seats and Mr Danny sat besides Lisa while whispering something that made the girl nods in agreement.

Teacher Kim or Teacher Potato which I called her, started to cue the music and we started dancing the routine we've been practicing for the whole week. To be honest, I never danced before so dancing was a very hard routine for me as I keep making mistakes. I don't care about Mr. Yang and Mr. Dan's reaction but my heart keeps on pounding because of that certain foreigner. I don't know why but her gaze keeps on giving me goosebumps.

Suddenly the music stops making me felt embarrassed in front of the new girl. Teacher potato keeps on whining about us practicing the steps as she made us move aside and dance it with her two back up dancers. After the same routine, she continue giving rants at us when Mr. Dan shouted something in Hangul which means. "Teacher Kim, give some Lisa a shot to show her what she got!"  That made me shocked to be honest. If Mr. Danny really proud on Lisa's skills then this is the first time I will see it live.

"hey Lisa! Let's see what you got!" Teacher Potato said that made Lisa widen her eyes in shock but gave a timid smile and approached the dance floor. She still had this confidence that suit her well but as she whisper something that made Teacher potato surprised made me realized that she's literally a shy person and that confidence was only a facade. The music starts and other trainees started to whisper at each other when Lisa used the same song .

Her body moves and it made our lips hang low. The same routine she saw was the same moves she performed and it was so perfect! I even believe she was better than teacher potato! daebak!

Yes everyone had same thing inside our mind. This Lisa was the actual dance machine. She doesn't need any trainings but stare and she will memorized it all!

I could see how proud Mr.Yang and Mr. Dan with her when they left the room. I slowly approached her with a bottle of water when I saw everyone left and she still fixing her things when the bottle accidentally touched her arm.

"shit! oh! sorry for the word" she scratch her nape cutely as I giggled inside. did I? I saw her face relieved maybe she realized I couldn't understand English well.  "Kamsahamnida, thank you in English" I said when she was back arranging her stuff after bowing her head at me.

Her head looked back at me when she heard me speak with her in English. Yes baby! I speak English!  "I mean if you want to say thank you to someone you must say Kamsahamnida" I explained proudly while smiling at her to lessen her tension.

"you can speak English?" She stutter and I can't help but chuckle at her cuteness while nodding at me. Her facial expression changed with worries and fixed her gaze on her bag zipping it tightly.

"B-but you can't talk to me in English" she said with a sad tone and I appreciate how she thought of her concern in me.

"fuck the rules! I'm Jennie by the way" she gave me a surprised gaze and reached for my hand to shake while chuckling. Lisa's nothing but a gentleman in a feminine body. She open the door for me, help me sit first during meal breaks, carry my excess bag and even hand me towels and waters in trainings.

We became so close that I even asked myself if it is right to be jealous when she was talking with other girl trainees. I even asked myself why I always wanted to see her everyday and her whereabouts. We always stood side by side until Miyeon came, the other trainee who shared same dancing skills with Lisa, but still my Lisa is still the best. But they became partners and spend most of the time in trainings. I was so jealous but I think it would be better for me if I distance myself from Lisa. Because if I fall deeper, that would be the end of our dreams and hers and I don't want that. Jisoo came and she was my life savior. We became best buddies and I really trust her to the extent that I told her everything with me and Lisa. Unluckily, the 9 girls who would debuted by 2012 suddenly it was delayed and we were left four then Rose' came in. All of us five lived under one dorm. Lisa and Miyeon had their own world but no one dares to tell the boss. It was their lives and if they were in love, which were too obvious then we would let it be as long as  the company would never noticed it. Rose' Jisoo and I became closer but then, Miyeon gave up. Lisa's world crashed.

In a span of week since Miyeon left us, Lisa spent most of her time inside her room crying all day and night and it made me crumble inside. I've been so worried at her state and getting closer with her all of a sudden was not my option to make. I would took the chance to made meals for us just to gave Lisa a proper food to eat and let Rose' delivered it to her room.

Rose' and Lisa became best friends and it was good. As soon as I saw Lisa getting back, I decided to approached her but before I knocked on her room door, to give the lunch, she opened it first and got surprised with my appearance.

"J-Jennie. Is that for me?" Her face were bright and her smile became genuine.

"Yeah. Jisoo and Rose' went home so I decided to made some for us two before I went out" I said almost explaining. She looked at the food then my eyes and walk towards then closed her bedroom door with her sweatpants and white shirt but still barefoot. She helped me with the tray and walk towards the kitchen.

"you're going home too?" She asked not looking at me but I heard sadness in her voice or maybe I was just imagining things.

"uh-huh, I hope to-" I answered but she cut me off.

"You already had your lunch?" She asked as she sit on the dining table. I shake my head and her eyes diverted to me then stood up. I was shocked when she got some plate, a glass and a pair of spoon and fork on her hand.

"you will not leave until your stomach is full. Sit" She instructed me and I unnoticed that I was lip biting with her gestures.

"fine. If you promise me you will come with me.I will just buy something outside for our dinner" I said while getting foods on my plate and I saw her smiling while eating.

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