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"You up early! is that a sudden change?.. or you can't sleep?" I greeted Rose' as soon as I saw a figure standing on the balcony with her mug on her hand believing it is a coffee.

She slowly turn her body on me and with a glimpsed of her sadness through her eyes while faking a smile on me, being the eldest on the group, these three with Jennie and Lisa, I knew the meaning of every blink of their eyes.

Living with them for almost 15 years, who would have known them but me. Rose' never told us whoever inspired her when she was happy or who made her sad. She never told us any direct names of her crushes she had but gave us some definitions instead. But with those stares, her happy mood every time she went out with her best friend, how she genuinely concern more than herself, how she can't help but cried in secret every time she will hear her cry, Rose' was in love with her best friend, Well everyone fell for her and I really get it how and why.

"Did I woke you up?" She answered while trying to blow away the smoke coming out from her hot drink . As I shake my head.

"Nah. I got to used to wake up this early with my little angel inside me waking me up at this hour" I chuckled as I caress my tummy.

You've heard it all right. I'm pregnant. Six weeks to be exact but with my petite body, it is not that obvious.

"Did you tell Lisa?" She asked while walking inside again and comfortably sit in a single couch beside our shared bed inside the Bruschweller's mansion.

"Still waiting for Hae-in so both of us will invite the family and break the news." She slowly nods in response.

The ambience silent ambience broke when the dumpling barged inside the room.

"good morning preggy! good morning hubby!" Jennie shouted with her gummy smile. I guess she got her sleep well. 

"Will you shut up or Lisa might hear you!" I throw a pillow on her but she quickly caught it.

"We all see how good your sleep was Jen so spill the tea!" Rose' said that made me laughed a bit. Her face redden as her eyes widen when she realize what Rose' was talking about.

"w-what are you talking about Chaeng?! I slept with Ella not with Lisa!" She defended but more of a complain.

"We didn't said anything about Lisa Jendeukie!" I said which made Rose and I laughed at her reaction.

"But whatever kids. Have you seen Dispatch news today? your boyfriend's on the airport and they are suspecting you will meet him here in Thailand" Jennie said that I immediately looked at my SNS and so does Rose'.

"well, at least they suspected right this time" I chuckled.

"Did Lisa saw it?" Rose' asked with a bothered face.

"I don't have an idea but she's not in her room and I thought she's here with you guys" Jennie's concern tone engulfs her.

"she didn't come here. I was up like an hour ago" Rose explained.

"Fuck! I think we should be downstairs maybe she is there so you don't have to worry with your lover" I teased with my signature smirk that made her speechless and annoyed.  Poor Jendeukie!

"good morning to the royal family!" Rose' shouted from the living room heading our feet into the dining area where we know that Lisa's parents are preparing breakfast with their own favorite chef. Chef Marco Bruischweller; Lisa's step-father.

Rose's loud voice echoed along the hallway that all the people including their relatives heard her and I am pretty sure the whole Manoban's did.

"Ahm, by any chance? Does Lisa already woke up?" After kissing Aunt Chittip, Jennie obviously can't help herself but to asked Lisa's whereabouts with her mom.

"Oh! she's at the garden with Ella and other crews maybe re-watching the interview yesterday. Come on! fill up your tummy you can sit anywhere you want" With Auntie's cute little voice that you will be mistaken came from a younger lady, Her accent makes me remember the first months Jennie taught me with English words,I just smiled at the thought while dragging the dining chair away from the table.

"Oh! here she is!" Yes here she comes. Whenever the four of us spend our time in our apartment, and Lisa will come late, I always look at Jennie and Rose' reactions. Jennie have this worried look but at the time when she needs to distanced herself with Lisa, she just kept it in herself and asked me after when we left alone about Lisa. Then Rose', her eyes tells it all without even saying anything. She loved Lisa and how her eyes sparkles when Lisa was around, I knew from the start, she's into her. But now, It is all different. The care, love and thought are still there but she don't want to cross the line in being her best friend.

Oh! and Lisa? She has a lot of amazing talents. One of it is hiding her true feelings. When Jennie distanced herself, Lisa never looked at her in an obvious manner. But there were times that I could see her snatching a glance at her.  I know she never lost what she felt from the start, but Lisa is a very smart lady. She knows when and where will she act according to the situation.

And there.. she got nowhere to sit but only in Jennie's right side, in front of her mom. She never hesitated tho and I am sitting in front of Jennie while on my both sides are Rose' and Lisa's cousins. I am happy how everything's seems back to normal. I mean.. how Jennie became so clingy and sweet towards Lisa after yesterday's interview. Did she confessed too? 
By wiping Lisa's sweat on her forehead and neck by Jen, now wonder if they are together now.

"ehem! ehem!" I fake a cough and make Jennie flinched a little and make me laugh a little as she threw the tissue with Lisa's sweat on me as a revenge.

"Is it too early to have a dessert?" I asked as she roll her eyes while everyone laugh at us.

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