PRESENT (December 2026)

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"thank you and see you soon. I miss you too. bye"  I hung up the phone. when I see a head popped out inside my slight opened door as my smile quickly formed.

"you ready?" Ella asked me. I remember how we babied her way back years with my three other members. She is now a well-grown fine woman who become a news anchor after being one of the most in demand model inside the United States. I simply nod at her as she waited for me inside my own home here in Thailand. I am nervous. My breath is shaking and my heart beats rapidly. But I've been deciding to come out alone despite of my fear of being interviewed alone without my crews, Blackpink crews, especially my members, coming out in an interview alone is a nerve-racking decision I made thinking about it for the whole month. But I can't be like this forever. Somehow, I need to end all curiosities. I need to come out strong, alone.

"Miss Lisa is ready" She whispered at her assistant as we walk down the hallway of my second room down to my living room heading out to my garden with my cats following us. My mom and dad saw me and quickly stood up and smiled at me. They've been so supportive througout the years in my career and here I am. Breaking my silence for the first time since the news of my sexuality's are all over the media platforms after 3 months away from the limelight.

I  take a very deep breath and shake my nervous out and facade a strong and confident aura I've been using since I was young and I with just my simple nod, the lightning opened up and red lights from three cameras can be seen.


"yes I've heard and I am waiting"

"yup! Lisa's smart we all know that and she deserves freedom."

"I know iknow. And I am so proud of her too"

"yeah. They will come here any minute now. Oh! I think that's them. Talk to you later Somi. Bye"

I drop the call with Somi. She's one of Lisa's trusted friend. She never failed to support Lisa since the day she transferred to our company. I remember the times that some gossips from other staffs of the company that Somi and Lisa are more than friends were spread because of their closness. They just laughed about it.

"hey!" I opened the door widely for my two members who's been bugging me since the news about Lisa's interview will be taken today live. We wonder who's the reporterr that gained Lisa's trust. Many reporters from known companies have been sourting Lisa to have an interview about her personal life but no one got her agreement until this day.

Three months after our resignation with YGE, Lisa went back home in Thailand. She sometimes call me, but mostly Rose' but never Jennie except over a group call. She mentioned this interview when we had our group call which we agreed but she never mentioned anything on what will be the topic specifically.

Lisa owned several restaurants, cafe', a dance school and even became co-owner of moonshot Thailand. Celine still have her as global ambassador and now, she became Thailand's number one dance mentor.  I am really proud on how Lisa can handle hate comments and negative feedbacks about our groups especially about her. But I know she got tired of it but leaving us made it harder for her to leave the company. But deep inside her, she wanted to be on her own and be free.


"Just so you know, I am so proud of you and I miss you dumbass."

"bye bye." I chuckled but quickly ended the call when Jennie arrived. I don't want her to know that Lisa's keeping in touch with me since she left South Korea cause I know she distanced herself with Jennie to figure out things she's been dealing with alone. We met in a cafe' this morning to go at Jisoo's as soon as we heard the news about Lisa's live interview with a special person she was mentioning since last night but she never gave me any details which made me so damn curious about it. Throughout the years I've been with Lisa, I could say that despite of being our ball of sunshine and a happy pill, Lisa's one of the people that has a great mindset and a mature thinking. I envy on how she handle things on her own. She will say no to negatives and embraces positivities. But Lisa is still a human with a dance machine skills, and every human has it's own flaws and weaknesses. And being the bravest with insects and the man in our group, Lisa has her own downfalls too that no one knew. I've seen her night cries alone with every hate comments and negative feedbacks about her. The family she misses and the delayed of our comebacks fearing that people might got tired of us for being in hiatus for so long. We felt that too but Lisa is Lisa. She will cheer us up making us see that everything will be okay but at the end of the day, she will endure her own fear alone.

"let's go?" Jennie's excitement is very obvious at her that my thoughts of my bestfriend fades and the thought that Jennie might still have it on her and never stops. That thing that Lisa and her complicate things between them. Their on and off clinginess. Her changed of mood when JENLISA was on top of the news. The  fuss and fight they have for unknown reasons. The jealousy, the longing. All of it. I know she still has something for my bestfriend. But Jennie never been vocal about it. Despite of Jisoo confronted her, she never answered but never deny either. Until one of them lose it and decided to ends the complication. 

"you're not that excited? aren't you?" I chuckle as we walk side by side.

"E-excited? M-me?" Jennie stutter.

"Yeah. keep denying it Jen." I cling my hand around her arm and pull her to walk fast as she remain wuiet but obviously gigling inside.


I stutter. Yes. Everytime the topic with Lili will start. I know I messed up. I know I fucked up everything with her even her feelings. But all of it are all in the past now and what's important is now.

I know she's been contacting Rose' always and I am kind of jealous on the thought that we are okay but not okay. It was frustrating and confusing at the same time but I understood very well. The four of us have been busy on our own path after getting detached with YGE. To be honest, I am relieved and I started to feel the real happiness I am aiming for years being Blackpink's mian rapper.Blinks still on the line everytime I will open my weibo account. They are still very supportive with us especially with me. They were happy but they are getting sad with the thought of not seeing us perform again but I guess that is life especially when we are all getting older and we need to face the fact that we have to get our own paths.

And I am starting to get all my happiness without hesitations and do it with my own efforts.

"hey!" Jisso greeted us with all smiles as I looked around seeing no one but her.

"I thought you were talking with someone" I asked as she squint her eyes.

"Ahhh. I spoke with Somi over the phone mandu! You know Somi everytime Lisa's name is all around the headlines."

"yeah. I remember how she bombrded me with calls and text messages when Lisa got Covid way back 2021!" Rose' laughed but I secretly rolled my eyes as jealousy keeps on coming everytime I hear Lisa's name links with other girls.

"someone's rolling her eyes" Jisoo fake a cough after revealing what she just saw.

"hey! you never hate Somi don't you?" Rose' asked me after getting drinks and snacks helping Jisoo.

"n-no. Of course not. Somi is like the 5th member to us.I just remember how some fans shipped them and-" Jisoo cut me off.

"and SoLisa looks good together right?" Jisoo teased me as I remember how jealous I was everytime I read Somi and Lisa with some pictures together. They were really close in the extent that Lisa was always on Somi's shooting for a music video to support her. She did it to me when I had my firs SOLO song. Actually all of them headed to the studio at two in the morning. Knowing Lisa, she always wants to sleep the whole day if there is a chance so being with me during those times at that moment, made me felt so special. But after that solo song, she never went to any of my shootings because of the rumors about us. I was been entitled as Queen of Kpop for many years and being in a rumor with her made her felt guilty that she might dragged me down. She knew that most Koreans didn't like her as they like me too much that was why she decided to follow YG rules of us to maintain a gap when in public. It hurts me but I know she was hurting too.

"oh! last minute before it starts!" Jisoo shouted that made our focus on the TV screen.

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