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"So Jisoo's secret wedding will be three days from now?"

Lisa asked even her eyes are not focused on mine. I am sitting on their couch while her head on my lap resting her body while playing some mobile game. Her short brown hair I am combing with my own hand is so smooth unlike when we were still a group that most of us had these dry and unhealthy hair. But now, Lisa's hair is so silky and smooth that my fingers can't stop combing it.

"hmm." I hummed as response.

"How about her family?I sit okay with them? oh-no.. no.."  she said as she irritably roll her eyes when she got fired by some enemy.

"they will be here by dinner tonight remember?" I said as she keeps on playing her mobile phone.

"yah. sorry I forgot" She answered then grip on her phone and keeps on controlling it with pure irritation.

"and I am thinking on giving you a very very nice dessert after dinner since you behave this past few months after the disbandment." -and I got her! She pull her half body up as her eyes widen with her cheeks redden.  I want to laugh hard from her reaction but she is too cute with her facial expressions.

"okay love birds respect for the singles here." Rose's voice interrupted our thoughts as we looked at her but she is currently reading some novel book with her face behind those pages.

"Have you fixed and moved your things in the guest room? you know Hae-in and Jisoo needs some own room as well as Jisoo's family" Rose' said in her own well-mannered tone but obviously her eyes fixed on what she's reading.

"oh fuck!' i forgot to tell mom about the other room!" Lisa quickly stood up and run away from us.

"well, did you already talked about it?" Rose' change of tone makes me quickly divert my attention on her. My eyebrows creased realizing what she was asking me.

Rose' set aside her book and pull out her reading glasses as she crossed her legs and scan my face like reading my own thoughts.

"you heard what Lisa told everything about her feelings about you right?" I nod slowly.

"then what's up? that's it? you two didn't even talked about it after the whole revelation that the whole world keeps talking about until now?"

Yeah. Rose' is right. Honestly I tried to open up that topic with Lisa but I always have this last second backing away every time I am one step away from her. Why? I really don't know. But there's something in Lisa's eyes. There is something that keeps me doubting everything she revealed. There is missing. I know she literally told the whole world what she really feels about me, but why does it feels like there is something missing?

"hey wifey. Is everything okay?" I flinched a little when Rose' sits beside me without any trace that she stood up from her sit. One of her hand wrap around my shoulder, caressing it while the other on my hand. I sigh and she quickly understood that something is not right.

"you can talk to me you know" she whispered as I sigh again.

"I wanted to Chaeng. So much. I wanted us to be official but the thing is..Lisa's not telling me something" I frustrate stated which made her eyes surprised.

"and?" she already on the way to get the point but I am doubting to tell since I wasn't really sure.

"I am not really sure but there's a person who's been calling Lisa on her phone" I stated as clear as I can get. I picked up my phone inside my pocket and seated on Rose's side as my fingers automatically typed something on Google.

Fern Nopjira

"did you know this person? "  Rose' quickly shake her head and it looks genuine maybe Lisa didn't tell her too

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"did you know this person? "  Rose' quickly shake her head and it looks genuine maybe Lisa didn't tell her too. 

"why? who is that? and she's really pretty. Is she an artist?"  She keeps on looking and searching at that lady's name at the SNS. She was right. The girl is so pretty and an artist; actress to be exact and it keeps getting myself insecure the way her face is almost perfect and wondering why she keeps on calling Lisa.

"wait- how did you know -wait! did you invade Lisa's phone?" Rose' asked that caught me off guard.

"well-it's not- I mean, it just happened that I was there, she's with me every time that name calls and she will go as far as she could before answering that call and  it-"

"you mean Lisa and her might-"

"might be in a relationship"

Yes. I think Lisa has something very special to do with the pretty Thai actress and it hits me every time I think of what she felt when Lisa confessed in an interview that she is in love with me and still with her. It hurts so much and I felt so giddy and guilty that I am here with Lisa instead of her.

"But why did she just confessed on national television if she's in a relationship with that - that actress? It doesn't makes any sense Jen"

"I know but why does she keeps on hiding when she called?" Jennie defended. Irritation fills her voice as Jisoo's voice interrupted them from their serious conversation.

"Am I missing something?" Jisoo suddenly spoke behind Jennie.

"Chichu you're back!" Rose' sigh in secret thanking Jisoo in her mind for appearing at the right time where she can't be able to argue more about Jennie's allegation towards Lisa and the Thai actress.

"And- my family!"  Jisoo smiled introducing her family who is having a welcome conversation with Mrs. Bruischweller at her back.

"W-we just discussing about something-" Jennie slightly stutter with her words. She knew that whatever she tells Jisoo, the latter will not buy it because since the very start of their friendship, Jisoo knew every actions and looks in the eyes of every members as she stands being the oldest member of the group; especially Jennie's best friend.

"something about Lisa and this anonymous Thai actress?" Yes she heard it. She was standing a minute or two before she started to greet them.

"w-well it's just that" Jennie starts to defend herself again when Rose' stood up noticing the moment that she needed to escape and let the best friends handle what Jennie's mind bothers her since yesterday.

"It's just that you didn't ask Lisa but conclude things again, the way you conclude things with her and Diana last time so you decided to have this flirty messed up relationship with Deb, then what? it ended up that Diana and Lisa were actually step-sisters right?"

"but-" Jennie wants to argue but for the second time, Jisoo stopped her again.

"but you are doing the same thing again Jennie. You are concluding things again and again without the proper solution of just asking her." Jisoo said in a shouting but whispering tone.

"but they are far from sisters Chu!" Jennie tried again.

"yes and they are far from lovers too! She even confessed in National television how in love she is to you!" Jisoo started to get annoyed on how Jennie sees negative things about Lisa and her actions.

"that's what I said too Chu!" They are both interrupted by Rose' who came back with a glass of water at her hand leaning on the door frame. Both of them looked at her and as she lower down her glass on the center table, she clears her throat.

"I am sorry to interrupt but Lisa is now on her way here in 5, 4, 3, 2.."

"Hey! what's with your serious face?" she chuckled as she scan her friends faces but somehow their looks makes her stop herself from cracking a joke but stood up waiting from someone who will answer her.

"who is Fern Nopjira?" Jennie finally asked Lisa which made the Thai idol shocked and swallowed a lump.

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