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A week after Jisoo's wedding and honey moon with her now husband Hae-in, all of their family including the couple decided to go back to South Korea with Rose' and her mom and Alice. Going back to South Korea means, facing the left and right paparazzi's  waiting for them and the big revelation that they will explode.

"Are you sure of your safety with this monkey?" Making  jokes to lessen their sadness of being away with the two out of four members that they really love. Rose' chuckled on her words with some giggles around them. 

"We are just one call away Jendeuk if you catch Lisa with other Thai girl" Jisoo winked that made them chuckle more but soon became a laughter when Lisa whines. 

"Hey! you two!-" 

"we are both gorgeous!" Rose' added and it is enough for them to give both of them the final hug. 






"so?" Jennie cleared her throat and lean her after a long yawn. 

"tired?" Lisa asked while they were left alone inside her luxurious Mercedes Benz. She never used her step-father's car and it is her first since she needs a car that would fit all of them. 

Jennie nods as Lisa adjusted herself to make Jennie's position be comfortable. She misses those kind of small sweet gestures from Jennie that they don't need to hide from other people that might see them  unlike before. She spend minutes of taking the gorgeous view from her left shoulder where never imagined that it might happen very sooner. Lisa somehow felt a sudden joy that she once felt when Jisoo spoiled the tea that Jennie might have real feelings for her way back 2012. It felt surreal but it is. Lisa chuckled when some little cute snores echoed inside her car that made her kiss the top of Jennie's head. Though the latter is already sleeping, she grip harder into Lisa's arms when she felt a kiss on her head. 

" you really have this chemistry you know?" Lisa blinked many times as she felt a tap on her right  shoulder. She quickly searched her left as Jennie already laying next to her with her head on her lap while her body folded. Lisa slept too during the ride..

"I don't believe that phrase before cause I don't see what chemistry we had that our fans especially JenLisa Fanbase sees in us. She smiles without breaking her eyes gazing on the lady who is now her official girlfriend. 

"need help with the sleeping beauty?" Lisa smiles and looked at her step-father. 

"nah. I think I can handle dad. Thanks for waking me up" As usual, her dad put his big hand on Lisa's hair and messed with it then left. Lisa got used to it, seeing it as a sign of his goodbye. 

"hey. Jennie. we're here baby." She kissed her temple and the Korea's It girl started to open her eyes slowly. Her eyes roam around getting familiarized with the surroundings as she knew where she was. 

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry baby your legs might get numb because of me!" Jennie quickly pushed herself up realizing she's been sleeping the whole ride. 

"got a good nap there I see" Lisa chuckled and stood up waiting for Jennie to come out. 

Jennie giggled but just roll her eyes, brush her hair like a beauty queen and approached Lisa's hands waiting for her outside the car. 

As walking with Lisa's arms around Jennie's shoulder and the smaller lady's arms wrapped around Lisa's waist, Jennie immediately stopped from Lisa's question. 

"w-what did you just asked me?" Jennie asked more like command while Lisa was taken aback from her reaction. 

"where do you want to live?" with her cute but innocent looks, Lisa responded that made her curious. 

"no the question before that!"

"ahhh.. how long will you stay?" Lisa already has a clue but teasing Jennie is the cutest thing she did for the nigh. 

"after that Lisa think!" with Jennie's desperation, Lisa find it cute and somehow act like she didn't know the exact question Jennie is referring to. 

"ahhhh.. I got it!" Lisa exclaimed! 

"finally!" Jennie sigh in relief as her smile grew. 

"how's work? that's it right?" Lisa refrain herself from laughing just to tease Jennie. But Jennie, with a sign of giving up, started to step back with a pouted lips while Lisa is already laughing without Jennie knowing. 

"hey! Mandu! where are you going?" Lisa is chuckling while Jennie is walking away. 

"Jennie come on! I'm just teasing!" Jennie act like she's not hearing something but continue walking away from Lisa when her world stops at the moment. 

"I asked you and now I am asking you again If YOU WANT TO MARRY ME JENNIE BUT I AM SO NERVOUS AS HELL AND PLEASE.. don't let me repeat again.!" Lisa screamed and  catch her breathe  for speaking out too fast. 

Lisa wants to read her reaction but no avail because of Jennie's sudden stop and her back facing Lisa, there's no way she can read what's inside her mind. Yes. It came out so sudden and not formal but Lisa just said it out of curiosity. YEs she really wants to marry Jennie, but with the latter, she doesn't even know if she's down into that next level. 

"Jennie" It came out whisper as if Lisa's hopes are getting down with Jennie's sudden stop and no movement. 

"I--" Lisa continue with a crack voice. She's hopeless, she's devastated. Jennie's not responding it makes her anxious. 

"I mean.. I am not rushing you and if you are not okay with it then I will not talk about this, but don't get me wrong I really want to spend the rest of my life with you but it is really up to you Jennie" 

"I hate you" Jennie's crack voice can be heard. Lisa knew she is crying and she doesn't know why. Is it negative or positive? she doesn't have an idea. 

"I am sorry for giving you the pressure Je-" 

"Is that how you asked for a yes? No fireworks? no dinner set-up? as if it came out just needed not that you want it!" 

Okay. Jennie's being cute and Lisa's nervousness fades away instantly. She run towards her lover and hug her from behind. 

"I know I should have plan this. I should spend months or days to plan the very special day I am going to propose and if it will cost me billions, I don't care Jennie  but realizing how time flies so fast, one day you are here the next day we don't know what will happen. And I don't want to lose you anymore Jennie." Liquid started to feel on Jennie's shoulders and it alert her. 

"hey baby." She turn around with Lisa's cheeks on her hands wiping the tears flowing on her eyes. 

"I am just kidding. My gosh Lisa! You don't have any idea how my heart jumps into happiness hearing these things from you. Simple or just here or even in a small room with our friends and families in there is perfect Lisa. I don't care about anything but you. And yes Lisa whatever it takes, I will marry you Manofoot and I want to spend the rest of my life with you too". Lisa smiles and looked at Jennie. Her eyes met and as if their minds connected. 

From  2010 where they first saw each other but oblivious towards each other.

THREE YEARS AFTERWhere stories live. Discover now