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Long table with very good Thai foods, utensils clinking in each silverware,  my cats and dogs chasing under a good weather at the garden, story telling and laughter. I never thought that this day will come. I never pictured these entire scene in front of me. As my mind walk through all the memories I've come up along my journey, my eyes almost betrayed me when a beautiful yet amazing human's hand grab mine under the dining table. At my right side I saw the most beautiful woman I met few years ago. Her famous gummy smile that took and still taking my breath away can be seen from whatever story my cousin is telling them. No single second that her lips stops from laughing. Slowly she looked at me with her cat-eyes sparkling like the first time we had our first conversation as strangers. When she gave me that water bottle after a long training on my first day.

"you okay?" she asked still keeping those smile that can cure any depression.  Oh Jennie! you don't have any idea how happy I am right now.

"this isn't a dream right?" I answered with a question that made her smile wider. She lean closer and whispered that her breath touches my earlobe giving me goosebumps under my ear.

"if this is a dream I don't want to wake up too honey" She ended her sentence with a wink and bring back her attention to my cousin Tewynn's story telling and let my hand free from her grip to continue eating.

Honey. Yeobo. Jagiya. Boo. Poopoo. Babee. Babe.

Those endearments that gives me butterflies inside my tummy but some time, hurts me so much. But this time, I missed it. And I know calling me with those sweet names meant everything to her now. She mean it every single time her mouth will say those words unlike the time that she had to use it for me to hear just to make me feel good. She meant it yes but there's always a doubt if saying it was good for me or more than good for her. Just to make me feel good or to make me believe that everything's okay until her dating issue with Kai and Jiyong came out. Every endearments stabbed me so hard inside but those media plays were needed to make every idols became the talk of the town and a comeback will become successful.

But all are in the past right now. Despite the real feelings of Jennie towards me are true, she can't do anything before. But now, I know everything will be back to its right place.

"Hey monkey! you busy?" Jisoo never fail to ruined my bangs whenever she always see me alone right before saying anything or asking me questions. But, I missed it. "I told you I will kill whoever touch my 10 million won bangs!" yeah I always answered like that and she will answered back, "okay I will tell Jennie" Of course I got lost again and she will just laughed at me.

"got ya! but kidding aside Lis." Her change of tone makes me curious as I slowly looked at her and her serious facial expression and her worried eyes while looking at my cousins beside me makes me think that it is something serious. I locked my phone and hide it inside my pocket before standing up as she follow be from behind.

"Let us talk in my room for some privacy" I offered but she immediately refused by grabbing me on my arm.

"in the guest room" she said with her eyes almost pleading.

"oh-kay" I slowly answered as she drag me to the way where the guest room is; where she slept last night with Rose'.

"Calm down turtle-rabbit Kim! I will not runaway. Do you have a plan on killing me inside my house?" I chuckled at my own joke and keeping her serious face makes me slightly nervous on how important that she might tell me. "that serious huh?" I whispered at myself. She finally let go of my arm as she slowly open the door and to my surprise, "Oh! you both here too?" Those awkward smiles from Rose and Jennie, I already saw that. The time they were hesitating to tell me that another media play will come out and that time it breaks all the internet globally. Me and Jeon Jungkook of BTS needed to act that something was really romantically happening between us for their comeback and my second solo album. But  I don't want to hurt Jennie's feelings nor other people involved Jungkook's life. So I rejected the offer but instead, let them freeze my solo project but they did not and let my decision won over them.

"I thought you accompanied mom with Ella and her team?" I whispered to Jennie beside me.
"I did but this needed to be done and it's urgent but don't worry Ella and her team already on their way home and she was truly grateful for you" She sealed it with a kiss on my cheek as I slowly nod my head.

"Okay Lis. I need to tell you something important" Jisoo started and all my attention drawn to her.

"i know Sooya so please cut the chase, and get straight to the point because my brain nerves are now dying by looking how worried you are and- wait you both knew this?" I asked Rose' and Jennie right after I looked at them with all calmness like I am the only one who is so worried with what Jisoo will tell us rather tell me.

"it is not our story to tell Panpriya don't give us that look" I hissed but Jennie's hand calming mine, makes me less worried.

"Fine. continue" I said to Jisoo who is standing in front of us while we sit on the bed.

"Ahmm. Hae-in is coming later, he is now on the way here" Jisoo said that makes me sigh in relief and stood.

"ghad Jisooyah! If you are worried if Hae-in will sleep here without our knowledge, please even if you all live here we don't mind" I chuckle but Jisoo's annoyed face makes me sit down or she might kill me with her dagger look.

"let her finish" Jennie whispered.

"Ghad Lisa! you're so impatient idiot!" Rose said that made me threw the square pillow behind my back which she quickly caught.

"continue, promise I will behave" I act zipping my lips and made it in a thin line that made Jennie giggled.

"okay listen first ugly duckling! or I will kill you with my bare hands!" I no acting scared while Jennie put her right hand to cover my mouth adding acts on my foolishness.

I saw how Jisoo pull out a very deep sigh as she looked at me with the same worried face I saw before coming here inside the guest room.

"I'm pregnant"

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