INTERVIEW WITH LISA (present 2026)

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"Good morning people of Thailand! This is the moment that we've been waiting for! I am Ella Gross, your inside reporter from 60 minutes and I am very grateful and honored to be the one who will bring this very special holiday special interview with the stars all the way from Thailand and not just in any place but exclusive inside the mansion of our very special guest, One of my moms during my puberty days, the in demand Global Ambassador, The no.1 dance mentor in Thailand and China, The most beautiful face in the world since 2019 until 2025, one of the best fashion icon, one of the best rapper in America and Korea, Most followed K-pop idol in Instagram,  Spotify and in any music platforms, one of the highest grossing model and idol of all times, famous main dancer of Blackpink, one of the four best girl group in the world, the most controversial and many more but now a Business Enthusiast, let's welcome, Miss Lalisa Manoban!"

Ella introduced Lisa with all of her achievements during those years of being an idol with pure adoration. Lisa can't help but smile genuinely despite of her nervousness.


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"Ella?"Jennie said almost asking when they saw it on TV.

"No wonder Lisa couldn't say no" Jisoo answered as her wonders finally have an answer too.

"Daebak! How Lisa managed to look so different in a span of 3 months?!" Rose' said.

"Yeah she does." Jennie said with a hint of sadness in her eyes in almost a whisper.

"She looks matured. A well- grown ...lady i guess" Jisoo complimented.

"She doesn't looked like she's been struggling with something really personal" Rose' commented that made the two looked at her with squinted eyes. Rose' realized what she said but came up with something to changed the topic.

"Are you gonna watch me or Lisa?" She asked then fake a smile while secretly sigh in relief when her two members looked back at the screen.


"So how are you? How was life after being an idol?" Ella's first question.

"Before I answer that first question, I would like to say hello to the viewers first"  Lisa said.

"สวัสดีทุกคนที่รับชมการสัมภาษณ์สดของฉันกับเอลล่าน้อยของ Blackpink ซึ่งตอนนี้กลายเป็นสาวสวยไปแล้ว หวังว่าคุณจะอยู่จนกว่าพวกเขาจะจบ!"  She said in her own dialect.

"I said Hello to all the people watching my live interview with Blackpink's baby Ella who is now a gorgeous lady now. Hope you will stay until the end! and I would like to say Hi to my members if you are all watching this interview, looked at our baby here! She's so pretty!" Lisa complimented tha the staff at the background can be heard laughing with her statements.

"Why do I feel like I am the one who's on the hot seat today?" Ella joked that added laughters around including Lisa.

"Okay so to answer the question, to be honest I really miss performing on stage with my members, I miss the trainings, the staffs and the Blinks who never gave up on us until now. But life goes on and we're getting older so we decided to not have the renewal of our contract and yeah! I decided to pursue my own career like my businesses that I built many years ago and fulfilling my other dreams after getting fulfiiled my first dream makes my heart jump in happiness. It may not be forever but at least I made it."  Lisa's answered made Ella speechless.

"wow! it is just the first question but your answer makes me feel like I learned a lot already." Ella let out a breath after hearing Lisa's first answer. 

"No no. It's just me. In every interview, I wanted to answer every question with my full honesty" Lisa answered back.

"Okay okay. So let's moved on to the next question. But let me tell you this eonnie. All of our questions I have here were came from the comments we have read and gathered since we started the weekly countdown of our interview until last night. We gathered some questions from the least up to the highest questions the people want to know from you. The questions are too many that I needed 75 people to helped me gathered all the questions and made this from simple to the most requested question so be ready eonie.  " Ella explained.

"oh. okay." Lisa said looking surprised but some of the questions might came up through her mind days before the interview.

"so the first real question we found interesting is how was your relationship with the members during your debut days?"

"oh wow. Well, at first, as a foreigner, I didn't expected much from my members. I mean I expected them to treat me as a member or like co-worker but unexpectedly my members never looked at me that way. They treated me like their own family. LIke a real youngest sister to them. They will asked my whereabouts, bombarded me messages and calls when I wasn't in the dorm at 9 pm, knocks on my room many times just to wake me up and make sure I will have a meal to eat. I really appreciate them those times and it never changed throughout the years"

"Yeah. I remember too when you had the tour in America way back 2018, and I was there all the night with you guys, one of the eonnies always asked where's Lisa? have you seen Lisa? and even put some food on your plate even you have your both hands free" Both of them chuckle at Ella's added memories of them.


"it looks like Ella's referring you Jen." Rose' said while watching the interview but Jennie gave her a timid smile.

"Yeah, that time when you, Lisa and Ella looks like a happy family" Jisoo said and gave Jennie a smirked.


"yeah. It felt like I was younger than you that night" Lisa said then laughter follows.

"next question, when the four of you were on the interviews and the question would go like, who's cheers everyone up during hard times, they will always answer you right?"  Ella asked and gets a nod from Lisa.

"The question is, everyone knows that you cheered up the girls during hard times, how can you handle those kinds of moments when you were alone?"

"well, yeah it is true tho. During those days, I never entertained negative comments. I read all of those, someone told me those everytime it would come out oon social medias, but if I entertained it, who will cheered them up? So i was the one who will always tell them hey! it's okay it will fade soon, it will end soon, let's cheer up, we're Blackpink!, something like that. But you know it is very different when it was only me,like alone inside my room. Questions crossed my mind like, what did we do to deserve those comments?. Something like that> It hurts my feelings but if I wil make sure before I go to sleep, I forgave those who said hate comments to us or to me even if they didn't gave us a proper apology because if I would never do that, I would never got some good sleep"  Lisa chuckles while nodding.

"that's the character I really like about you eonnie. You have this positive mindset and not everyone has that ability" Ella complimented again and Lisa gave her a proud smile.

"next. This one's kind of personal. But you don't need to answer if you felt uncomfortable okay?" Lisa nods again but she is well decided that she will answer even the hardest question to gain the freedom she wants.

"This question is too many to ignore and I know looking into your eyes , you quite expecting this kind of questions." Ella added.

"Bring it!" Lisa confidently answered.

"Is Lisa Manoban refers herself as a bisexual?" Ella lookedat her eyes to find something negatively but she saw none but Lisa smiled at the question.

"To be honest Ella, yes I know this question will come and to answer honestly, I don't really know how todifferentiate those words, but.." Lisa take a deep breath and looked at her mom smiling at the looking proud at her daughter.

"But I don't see myself getting married with kids. No. But I am not closing my doors and I don't want to predict my own future, but I do find some men attractive but it only went into crushes, admirations etc. But some time in my life, I fell in love with women"


"yes bitch! feed them with curiosity and surprises!" Rose' commented as she proudly cheered to her best friend.

"She's braver now" Jennie commented and stood up to get some refill of their drinks.

"Someone's thirsty. Are you okay jendeukie?" Jisoo asked and Jennie throw some popcorn to her best friend.


"fell in love with women.. you mean it was in the past and there's a few?" Lisa nods again.

"and that leads me to your next question eonie. Again, if it didn't comfortable to answer, just don't ansawer okay?" Lisa nods.

"Is Jeon Somi your ex girlfriend?" Lisa's eyes widen in shocked.

"Somi? No.. no.. Jeon and I are really good friends.Nothing more.I know it was a rumor back then even in our company, some find us good together but for the last time, NO we're not exes and thankfully  we just laughed about it.  YGE told us that Somi transferred to our company and that time she was famous but that's it! Then when I was practicing at night, she came in and I was like, oh my ghad! She came to me and told me she's a fan and we clicked. Actually it was not only me but Jisoo as well. The three of us clicked but she is also closed with Rose and Jennie but she's closer with me so yeah." Lisa answered with chuckles and with full honesty as her hand gestures telling to disagree at the fact that Somi and her are ex-girlfriends.

"I hate to stop here but these are getting instense people so let's take a short break. Will be right back after some advertisements"

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