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And here comes the jealous Jennie. *chuckles* . I'm not a bitch. But it always makes me giggle every time Jennie and Lisa are in their jealous moments. If this happened few years back where I really wanted to fight for Lisa's love, I am surely getting Jennie jealous then Lisa will explain things to her to assure he like she is the only important thing in Lisa's world, I will definitely get irritate but this time as I accepted the fact that Lisa and I will be forever twin sisters and best friends, seeing Jennie being selfish with Lisa somehow makes me happy for my bestfriend.  And this scene is not new to us.

Way back 2019 when Jennie and Kai introduced by dispatched as a couple, but it was definitely some media play. Even fans noticed it too! Well who the hell would be driving inside YG building with some dispatch inside at a very late hour? Dumbass.  Lisa was hurt but not because of that issue, we all knew that coming duh! But the way that the staff prohibit them from interacting too much to give way to Jen-Kai relationship that was needed to gave some focused on. It was hurting her and Jennie because even on our sitting arrangement are limited. It was Jennie's braveness that sometimes gave them a chance to sit beside each other but still, the interactions are very limited. They were not even allowed to stare at each other's eyes for too long!

Then the "Jen-Dragon" on February 2021. We just laughed about it though. Ji-yong is nothing but a big brother to us ever since we started being a trainee. There's no way one of will be dating him as he dated our sister Sandara. But between Lisa and Jennie, it was always Jennie who who got furious when it comes with her jealousy and that scene makes me want to get pop corn and watch her scold and ignored Lisa the whole day. Lisa would be curious but panicked eventually then ended up explaining things with Jennie. And the fact that they were not labeling anything between then and denied everything about their feelings to us, it was like watching a Rom-Com film.

But year 2022, where it got really serious. It started when Jennie became friends with her co-Calvin Klein models. Ho Yeon Jung; the model/Squid game famous actress and Deb Never; model/vocalist. Jennie spent her time with them most of her rest days when Lisa became busy with her first solo album and became historical around the globe that gained a lot of awards after. Her busy tight schedules with her endorsements, being an ambassador and speaker left and right; likewise with us made her and Jennie drifted apart fully. As the gap continue to grow, Lisa flew to Thailand without saying a word to them. Of course, she told me! Then Jennie gone back and forth to LA and South Korea because of her new found friends.

Jisoo and I knew that something's not right. Then one day, JenLisa fans, started to leave hate comments to Deb Never's account when a picture of her and Jennie walking hand in hand spreads. It shocked us of course! But we realized that the day it took, was the same day when Lisa posted pictures of her and Diana Flipo; a model/actress in Thailand. We met her once and she is a total Goddess! She's so gorgeous and sexy that every woman would envy. And the Jen-Lisa war continues. Jennie started to posts and SNS stories on her own account while Lisa stays quiet. But Dians always updating her account with Lisa's picture with her. And we knew that a furious Jennie would appear.

One time, Jisoo started a group video call with our group and guess? Jennie was drunk and she's with Deb and their friends. As soon Lisa answered the video chat, Jennie leaned her head on Deb's shoulder not realizing how painful it was for Lisa who was doing her best not to post anything that would make Jennie jealous. But despite of it, Jennie's revenge breaks Lisa's heart until she decided to let Jennie do the things she wants and put some boundaries between them.

Knowing Lisa, she will never show her true emotions. She smiles and laughs when it is necessary but as soon the group call dropped, I knew she would endured it alone. Same with Jennie. Until now, we don't had a single clue if Jennie and Deb became romantically involved with each other. But if Jennie did it to have some rebound, well she messed up big time.

Then a week after, Lisa came back but neither of them joined us with our get together whenever one of them were coming. They did set their gap permanently. Eventually Lisa told us that Diana is her step-sister. She is Marco Bruschweller's daughter but they didn't tell it to public for their privacy.  I could see how guilty Jennie was but the hurt and pain already said and done and awkwardness between them sets whenever we were together in an important meeting. Come back came, the super clingy rapper duos were far gone and the real professional act replaced. It was dead. It was dull. No real, unintentional sweetness can be felt or seen. It hurts me, us and even the fans. Jisoo became busy when she started dating Hae-In after their "snowdrop" part two, but still she never forgot to call or text us with our whereabouts and makes sure that everything's fine in our own.

Since that day, Jennie and Lisa became formal with each other. The love, care and fire in their eyes when it comes with their personal lives was in there. I could see it whenever one of them will come and the other will steal a glanced. They would asked one of us when they couldn't see the other. They were back from scratch but as they said; "love is sweeter the second time around".

And they did.

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