Chapter 13: A Family Dinner

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(P.O.V = Loki)

I slam the door shut. Was I wrong? Was I too cruel? Does she hate me? The questions start forming in my head. I try and shake them away. Why should I care about her...she is nothing.

I take long leg strokes down the hallway. I didn't want to hurt her but she left me no choice. I was too hard, maybe I should go apologize. NO! I will not, she is mine and I'll do with her what I please. Uh! Why is she so hard to understand! She is just too bueatiful, she can never love a monster.

Tears start to form in my eyes as I imagine the pain I cause her, the pain that she is in right now. I let a tear roll down my cheek. I was to hard on her. I will be good to her. I'm so so sorry Rose. I've never loved before, forgive me. Please forgive me...I love you. Okay okay woah there! Where did the fuck did that just came from. How can I love her. She is just a slave.

I get to the familiar big gold doors that lead to the dinning room. I push the doors open and I see a long table with Thor, Odin, Frigga, Sif, Volstagg, Hougun, and Fandral.

"Ahh brother so nice of you to come and join us after all," Thor says walking over and smacks my back. I force a little smile.

"Sit down dear," Frigga says pointing to an empty seat across from her and next to Volstagg. I take my seat.

"And what is for dinner tonight?" I ask.

"A boar, Thor cought it himself on our hunt earlier today," Sif says. So predictable, Thor bringing always. I catch Sif eyeing Thor, it's no suprise. Sif has had a crush on Thor since they first met. I roll my eyes and grab for some salad.

"Please brother have a drink, it's been a while," Thor says with a wink.

"Too long Thor. But I think it won't agree with me tonight. Perhaps we could go to your favorite tavern in less than a week," I say.

"That's a deal brother," Thor says with a smile. I finish my food in silence not daring to speak another word. Soon enough Odin spoke up.

"How is your new maiden?" Odin asks.

"Is she treating you well?" Frigga asks.

"Very well, thank you father. She is good at taking orders and is very kind," I say lying through my teeth.

"I'm glad to hear," Frigga says. Odin just scratches his beard.

"I think it's time for me to retire to my room. This was a lovely dinner, thank you. I'll see you all early tomorrow," I say. I stand up and leave not daring to look behind me.

I make my way back to my room. I unlock the door and step in the room. I can't control my mouth and I call out her name...her real name.


Loki's Slave [Loki Fanfic] (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now