Chapter 17: Trying New Things

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(P.O.V = Rose)

I wake up and the sun shines through the big window. It's probably early. I crash back in bed not wanting to get out. There are strong arms around my waist drawing me close to another body. I turn around and come face to face with the God of Mischeif. A wide grin spreads a cross his face.

"Up early so soon," Loki says not even opening his eyes.

" did you know I was-"


"Yeah..." I say.

"Oh love I am the God of Mischeif, I know when you are lying to me," Loki leans in close to my ear. "I also know everything and see everything," Loki says. I feel a hand traveling up my night gown and up my back, then down my leg.

"Mmm," I half moan.

"You like that pet?!" Loki whispers I my ear.

"Yeah a lot," I say. Loki plants a kiss on my neck.

"We have a lot to do today. I suggest you start to get ready. Amita is coming in a while to help you get ready.

"Ready for what?" I ask.

"It's a suprise," Loki says with a smile. "Now go," Loki says. His hand travels down my back again and he slaps my ass.

"Okay, okay GEZ Loki," I say siting up. I can hear Loki chuckling. I rub my eyes and try to open them. It doesn't work in still fuckin tired. I collapse back in my bed, on Loki's bare chest.

"Loki I'm too tired," I say.

"A shower might help," Loki says.

"A bath," I say. I move my self and rest my head in the crook of his neck.

"Will you do it for me Loki," I say. Wow I sound like a little kid.

"Only this one time I will draw you a bath," Loki says. He takes my body and pushes it off him.

"HEY!" I say. Loki laughs at me. I must have fallen sleep because I feel a nudge on my arm.

"W-whattttt," I say anoyingly. Loki kissed my shoulder and makes his way to my neck.

"Love, have you already forgotten about your bath. It was ready a while ago," Loki says.

"Oh ok sorry Loki I must have dozed off. Will you carry me?" I ask. Loki scoffs.

"WHAT! No! I am a prince," Loki says.

"And...." I say not giving a shit.

"Your such a child," Loki says. He picks me and carries me bridal style all the way to the bathroom.

"I suppose you want me to wash you aswell?" Loki asks.

"That would be awesome. Could you?" I say sarcastically. Loki scoffs agin, strips me and places me into the tub. The warm water really soaks in and helps me relax and wake up.

Loki takes a some kind of lavender soap and washes my body. Once I'm rid of the soap Loki kisses my shoulder.

"Always so pure my love," He says.

"Mmm," I say not wanting to talk. I get out of the shower and dry my body.

(P.O.V = Loki)

Oh my gods. She tasted amazing. And her body...oh her body she can drive any man crazy with her body. Oh the things I can do with her. Okay calm down Loki she's just a very attractive woman who happens to be in you room, in your very washroom and naked....what is there not to be exited about....? I star up and down her entire body savoring each look. Her perfect curves drive me insane. She catches me looking at her and she smiles at me. I smile back. I can feel my pants tightening. It's probaly visable but I don't care. Feast your eyes pet. I will have you soon. I will have you begging for me, begging for my touch, my love. There is a knock on the door.

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