Chapter 19: Fandral's Kiss (Part 1)

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(P.O.V = Loki)

I hate to leave Rose all alone, it even makes me sad on the inside too, as I walk away she thanks me for bringing her to the Royal Garden. I can't help but smile. The way she lights up really sparkes something inside of me.

I exit the garden and head towards my mother, I need to have a word with her.

(P.O.V = Rose)

"What a beautiful name for such a beautiful maiden," The man says with a wide smile.

"Uh Thank-"

"So, I was thinking, how would you like to take a walk with me through this beautiful garden, an maybe later you can see me fight," He says winking at me.

"I don-" The man grabs my arm and pulls me towards him so lips brush against my ear.

"Maybe after those things I can treat you like a real angel should be treated," He says.

"Wait, but sir, I never caught your name?" I ask yanking my arm from his grasp not too hard.

"Oh I forgot," He bows moving his sword to the side. "I am sir Fandral, part of the Warriors Three and Lady Sif," Fandral says bowing and then looking up.

"Well it's nice to met you Fandral," I say.

"Please, the pleasure is all mine," He says. "So we're off then" He says grabing my hand and turning to walk in the other direction.

"Actually I can't, I'm waiting for someone and they'll be back any time soon," I say. Fandral seems nice but I can tell he's a player, I don't really roll with players.

"Oh well you can bring her too a little later," He says dragging me. I can't beleive he things it's a girl.

"But they will be really mad if I go with you, and trust me they can't get really mad," I say. Fandral stops and drops my hand.

"Are you a lesbian?" He asks me.


"Are.You.A.Lesbian," He asks again.

"Okay gez, I herd you the first time. No I'm not a lesbian. It's just they are over pertective over me like a lot," I say.

"Well don't listen to them. They can not tell you how to live the life that is yours. Now come on, please join me. I think you are really beautiful and I would like to take you on a walk here in the garden. Beautiful flowers for a very beautiful maiden," Fandral says smiling at me. I don't know what it is but that sentence was just like pure poetry. I like Loki, I really do but Fandral, he just wants to help me...maybe he will understand. But what will Loki say...? Before I had a chance to speak back Fandral grabbed my hand again and noded. I just let him, I don't feel like agruing today?

We walked around for what seemed like hours. I looked, sniffed, and touched every single flower I could find. Fandral just looked at me interestingly, like he was trying to figure me out. But that wasn't the only thing that was interesting...there was a shadow, I noticed it a couple times but there was a creepy shadow following us and it never left. It scared the shit out of me...

(P.O.V = Fandral)

She looks so beautiful sniffing all the flowers. Her dress exposes the perfect amount of skin to drive me insane, as well as her curves. I can not wait until I see the rest of her body. I decide to make my move and go behind her. I wrap y arms around her waist.

"You're beautiful, you know that," I say.

"So I've been told many times," She says with a little sarcasam in her voice. She turns around our lips are almost touching. I lean in and she does a little too finally our lips come crashing together in a juicy kiss. I pull away and look at her arm, and that's when I notice it. The symbol...Loki's symbol. Oh Fuck....I've played with his toy, I'm gonna die...

(P.O.V = Rose)

OMG I kissed him, like a actually kissed him, I don't know if I wanted to or not. I don't really like him in that way...well maybe just a little but I like Loki more.

I was inturupted when I was him, many feet infront of me, just watching us, he was the shadow, the shadow that was following me around...It was Loki...

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