Chapter 15: Love Is Complicated

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(P.O.V = Rose)

Loki crouches down next to me and strokes my hair.

"Oh Rose," He says. I just shutter and rock back and forth mumbling.

"Speak up Rose I can't hear you," Loki says.

"You were were there," I say quietly.

"Where was I, love?" Loki asks.

"In New York," I say.

"I do not know of what you speak about," Loki says.

"Yeah sure you don't fucking remember. New York, you tried to take over the world. You killed my friends and almost got my grandfather killed," I say looking up at Loki with hatred in my eyes.

(P.O.V = Loki)

I freeze at her words. I remember this 'New York' she speaks up very well, and it wasn't that long ago.

"Please Rose let me explain..." I say trying to comfort her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" She spats back at me pushing my hand away from her face. I clench my jaw when she calls me a monster. She has no idea how many times people have called me that word.

"Rose..." I say. It takes me all my strength not to give her a good slap across her face. I chose not to hit anymore tonight after the pain I have caused her before. She still has cuts and bruises all around her body. I look up and down her body once more forgetting that she has no clothes on. I can't help but to feel a little aroused.

"Leave. Me. A-L-O-N-E," She says in anger. She speaks slow so she gets her point across.

"Please don't Rose..." I say. She is getting on my nerves now and I don't want to hit her anymore. All she really needs to do now is really SHUT HER MOUTH. I am almost to my anger limit and when I'm pushed over it can get VERY messy.

"Please, please, please. Oh Rose please, oh please don't," She says mocking me. Okay now she has made me pass my anger limit. Rose... I apologize if I cause you any more harm tonight, I really don't mean it...

(P.O.V = Rose)

"Please, please, please. Oh Rose please, oh please don't," I say in a mocking tone towards Loki. Oh shit I shouldn't have done that. I forgot how easy it is for him to hurt me. I watch his jaw clench and his eyes darken. I look down, shit now I'm in trouble...maybe if I get away he can't hurt me. I give a little tough on my leg and then the reality snapped in my head...I was still chained up. I'm in really big trouble. I have just gotten Loki mad to the point he possibly wants to hurt me again and I'm tied up so I have no chance of escape what so ever. Just fantastic! I look back up at Loki. I can see the Bueatiful green color leave his eyes and replace with a nasty black color of evil. A wicked grin spreads across his face...oh shit, I'm fucked. I suddenly feel my body being pinned down to the floor. I cry out at my broken skin makes contact with the cold floor once more.

"Ahh!" I scream. I can hear my scream eco off the walls.

"LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT, P.E.T. You WILL NOT raise your voice to me. You will not call me a monster, and you WILL NEVER speak back to me in such a rude attitude! DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR!" Loki screams in my face. I am completely shocked that I can't even move. First he calls me Rose, my really name and now he's back to calling me Pet. How did he know my real name anyway...I never told him. My thoughts were interrupted by a stinging bite pain across my right cheek. I try my best to hold back tears but I can feel one or two fall down my face.

"I believe I just asked you a question Mortal," Loki says. I nod my head.

"Yes Loki," I say.

"Good wel- What did you just call me..." Loki says looking straight into my eyes harder than before. I swallow hard. I called him Loki instead of Master. I'm in trouble...again. I felt another pain across my cheek, the left one this time.

"I am your MASTER and you better as well remember that," Loki says. He gets off me and storms to his bathroom. He opens the door and then slams it behind him.

I know Loki has beaten me so hard and called me names but I feel kinda sorry for him...I think I like him....UHHH! Why does Love have to be so complicated!

So did you guys like this chapter? I made it long because I promised in the last chapter that this one would be long so is...
So...the picture attached to this chapter is a picture I took of a balloon, yeah you herd me right, a balloon. I was bored so I got out all my nail polish (beleive me I have SOOOOO much) and I started painting on my balloon. I actually lost the balloon a couple days ago (not my fault my mom probaly threw it away...). I remember I took like about 20 pictures on my phone of all the stuff I painted on my balloon...
Hope u enjoyed this chapter, like and comments are welcomed! :)

- CrystalLaufeyson


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